Why the war between kangaroos and Uruguayans is viral – ElSol.com.ar – Diario de Mendoza, Argentina


For many, this may seem somewhat disconcerting and surprising: on the internet, they speculate on a war between Uruguay and the kangaroo population of Australia. What began as a joke on Twitter has become the new April meme generator on various social networks.

What is the reason?

It all started with a tweet from the @HematxylinEosin account, which published: "The population of Uruguay is 3,457,000, and in Australia alone there are 47 million kangaroos. If kangaroos decide to invade Uruguay, every Uruguayan has to fight with 14 kangaroos"

The population of Uruguay is 3 457 000 inhabitants. There are only 47 million kangaroos in Australia.

This means that if the kangaroos decide to invade Uruguay, every Uruguayan has to fight with 14 kangaroos.

– (@HematxylinEosin) April 6, 2019

That was the trigger. In less than a week, Internet had already done its job and thousands of people had shared the tweet and expanded the theory.

Since I've read the tweet of kangaroos and their superiority in case of invasion, I have nightmares about it. Equal wave kangaroos probably govern us better than FA. pic.twitter.com/zqp4wbZNKM

– Mauro (@ MauroM29) April 11, 2019

I would say that the kangaroo joke went to hell but I did not get bored, so keep going

– Gero Rodriguez (@ GeroRodriguez8) April 12, 2019

I think this kangaroo is the first 100% Uruguayan man and it makes me happy pic.twitter.com/adFQNF1E58

– ? (@notucasa) April 10, 2019

How much time have pbaded the same on kangaroos and Uruguay on Facebook pic.twitter.com/nTn8SlRQD5

– Sebastián? (@ rocket_number09) April 11, 2019

I open the thread of kangaroos memes invading Uruguay that I've seen up to now: pic.twitter.com/QG8RV5N9Kl

– Miameee (@Rodrigo_Pedetti) April 11, 2019

I love Uruguayan memes with kangaroos pic.twitter.com/iE74fFoGbG

– Estiii (@EstiQuevedo) April 12, 2019

Uruguayan troops resist hordes of kangaroos in Montevideo (2019) pic.twitter.com/bzfRYGILRa

– Nachota (@AlvaradNacho) April 11, 2019

Falopa theories to which I adhere:

Flat earth ❌
Possible invasion of Australian kangaroos in Uruguay, colonization by each Uruguayan corresponding to a fight with 14 kangaroos

– Tonga (@Tonga_rdgz) April 9, 2019

I could have been born at any time in history, but I'm just alive to see how the memes of an invasion of kangaroos in Uruguay become viral.
I pay internet to see these things and I do not regret it.

– Natalia (@FeanorSilmarils) April 11, 2019

I open the thread of kangaroos memes invading Uruguay that I've seen up to now: pic.twitter.com/QG8RV5N9Kl

– Miameee (@Rodrigo_Pedetti) April 11, 2019

I love all over Uruguay against kangaroos https://t.co/wPvGL5oBxB

– SantiAccattoli (@PiwiConde) April 11, 2019

Kangaroos and Uruguay have become my favorite memes, I operate indoors while I write this pic.twitter.com/pILqS0cQeI

– Marcos Rojas (@kmarcosrojas) April 12, 2019

The population of Uruguay is 3 457 000 inhabitants. There are only 47 million kangaroos in Australia.

This means that if the kangaroos decided to invade Uruguay, every Uruguayan had to fight with 14 kangaroos pic.twitter.com/krH8cc7M0w

– The crazy bird (@PeroSoloEsUn) April 11, 2019

Even the narrative at the origin of the joke decided to continue his theory.

The fact is that in Uruguay, there are 3.6 cows per person. This is a factor to take into account.

Well, you can train these 3-4 cows to fight at least 4-5 kangaroos

– (@HematxylinEosin) April 7, 2019


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