A baby was born in Greece with genetic material of three people


A baby was born in Greece with genetic material of three people

It is an experimental technique of in vitro fertilization that uses a mother's egg, another donor's and the father's sperm. Scientists highlight the ethical dilemmas that this type of practice can create.

Thanks to technological progress, the horizons of science are expanding. On this occasion, Greek and Spanish doctors claimed to have made a "history of medicine" after having created (and brought to the world) a baby from the genetic material of three people.

This was possible thanks to an experimental technique of in vitro fertilization using an egg of the mother, another of the donor and the sperm of the father. However, the embryo is not created with two female cells but the mother removes only the nucleus that is placed in the donor's place.

Why would it be useful? According to the statement published by the Institute of Life of Athens (Greece), this procedure is a way to avoid mitochondrial fatal diseases, which are transmitted from mother to child. In this case, it was applied to a sterile 32-year-old woman who had already undergone four badisted fertilization processes without success.

"We have realized the inalienable right of a woman to become a mother with her own genetic material.We are very proud to announce an innovation in the area of ​​badisted procreation and we can now allow women with multiple or multiple fertilizations. rare genetic mitochondrial diseases to have a child in good health, "said Dr. Panagiotis Psathas, president of this institution. Indeed, the woman gave birth to a baby of 2.9 kg and both are in good health.

This has an antecedent in Jordan, where they tried to practice on a woman, although the case caused a lot of controversy. According to the BBC, some fertility doctors believe that reproductive care and disease prevention are two different moral applications, without knowing the extent of the technique. It should be noted that in 2018, English doctors were given permission to create the first three-person babies in the UK.

For the moment, in Greece, 24 women are already following the same process as this patient to be able to create children from the genetic material of three people.

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