USA delivered 40 thousand documents on the dictatorship


The Minister of Justice, Germán Garavano, received them at a historic ceremony.

During a historic ceremony, the United States Government handed Argentina more than 43,000 pages of declbadified documents of the military dictatorship, the most important information sent by the White House to any country. Even US President Donald Trump, in a letter, said a few words.

The transfer took place in the building of the National Archives of Washington, where the president of the agency, David Ferreiro, handed the files to the Minister of Justice, Germán Garavano, who could not restrain his tears when he delivered his speech.

In a white box with the US National Shield and a bow were six CDs containing tens of thousands of documents from over 16 US dictatorship agencies, some of which date back to 1975.

To integrate

The declbadification of these documents is a historical fact: never before has the United States transmitted this volume of information to another country. They are also a step forward for the areas concerned: intelligence, defense and law enforcement.

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) April 12, 2019

It was a historic event because of the number of declbadified pages, the number of agencies involved, the number of people who worked on this task (320 people who completed more than 30,000 hours of this task) and the declbadification, which represents almost 97%, which all those involved have described as unprecedented. That is, the documents are almost without scrubs, clean, with almost all the information in sight. The documents include information from the State Department, the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, the FBI and the CIA, among other agencies.

The so-called "declbadification diplomacy" was inaugurated during Obama's trip to Argentina in April 2016, but was followed by Donald Trump's government. Before the Democrat left the White House in August 2016, a second round had been declbadified and then a third in 2017, during President Mauricio Macri's visit to Washington, already under the Trump administration.


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