The Under-Secretary of State of United States, John Sullivan, compared Venezuela's humanitarian crisis with the refugee crisis Rohinyas, who were forced to leave Burma between 2016 and 2017.
"People make comparisons with Syria and Yemen, and I say Burma and RakainSullivan said, referring to the state of western Burma, where about 740,000 rohinyas fled, as part of a persecution that the UN calls "cleansing". ethnic ".
"For a simple arithmetic question, if you see the problem [que produce] In the region, the refugee crisis in Venezuela, "he added," more than 1.3 million people have gone to Colombia, not to mention Brazil and Chile. "
The country is plunged into an unprecedented institutional, economic and political debacle, with the collapse of oil production – the backbone of its economy – and inflation that, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will reach 10 000 000% this year.
In this context, Venezuelans suffer from lack of products of all kinds and frequent power outages that also lead to water cuts. Since 2015, nearly 10% of its 30 million inhabitants have fled the country.
The Organization of American States is planning more than 5 million displaced people from Venezuela by 2019.
"The humanitarian crisis in our region, in our backyard, in a country that was a leading economy, is truly tragic," said Sullivan.
The diplomat met in Miami at a round table with a handful of journalists with US Southern Command's commander, Admiral Craig Faller, after signing a disaster resilience agreement with 18 Caribbean countries.
Faller said that "if this trajectory continues, it will be comparable to the tragedy of Syria by the end of the year".
The United States encourages the exit of Nicolás Maduro's power and in turn supports the president of Elected National Assembly of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, that 50 countries recognize as interim president.
Guaidó attempted Feb. 23 to bring in international humanitarian aid into his country, but failed because of Maduro's ruthless blockade, which described the operation as US interference.
On Wednesday, after ensuring for years that there was no humanitarian crisis, Maduro had reached an agreement with the Red Cross.
US government puts pressure on intensifying sanctions against state oil company PDVSA, as well as against the Venezuelan authorities, in addition to reiterating for two months that "all options are on the table".
In this regard, Admiral Faller said: "President Donald Trump has been very clear and my job is to be ready.
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