Information in advance, murders and lies of the military dictatorship – 04/12/2019


"It has been reported that the armed forces are ready to hit the president, maybe as early as this week", reports a CIA cable to the presidency of the United States, dated February 27, 1976. This shows how well they were aware of the coup d'etat against the government of Maria Estela Martínez de Perón," Isabelita "It finally took place nearly a month later, on March 24 of this year." The armed forces would prefer to let civilians order the removal of the ineffective president. The Argentine Congress, however, does not seem able to act ", warns another part of the new information highlighting the 43,000 sheets contained in the new documents declbadified by the United States and which were given to the Minister of Work Friday Judge Germán Garavano.

Argentina's Minister of Justice Germán Garavano (d) and Librarian David S. Ferriero (i), the highest authority for the preservation of historical archives in the United States, display the box and the CDS of historical documents appearing on the last Argentine dictatorship this Friday. Photo: EFE / Lenin Nolly

Argentina's Minister of Justice Germán Garavano (d) and Librarian David S. Ferriero (i), the highest authority for the preservation of historical archives in the United States, display the box and the CDS of historical documents appearing on the last Argentine dictatorship this Friday. Photo: EFE / Lenin Nolly

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These began in 1975 and were carefully organized in a rough presentation indicating: "Summary and focus on origins"; Another point is the "scope of research"; a "historical context"; and "sensitive register".

For example, as the New York Times reported earlier on Friday, in the new declbadified archives, you can read a memorandum from the director of the CIA division for Latin America at the time, Raymond A. Warren. On July 24, 1976, Warren warned a supervisor that the squadron 's plans to "liquidate" those suspected of being left – wing activists abroad "pose new problems to the US. agency "and that there should be a debate on what actions could the United States take for "Prevent illegal activities of this type."

And he warned that "Every precaution must be taken so that the agency is not unfairly accused of participating in this activity".

The US decommissioning project on Argentina includes human rights violations committed in the country between 1975 and 1984. Marcos Lohlé, former head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and member of the commission that worked on all the documents declbadified by the United States, 16,000 pages in the last declbadification, explained that up to now, documents spoke of "repressive articulation to badbadinate opponents" of the military regime. "There is also evidence reflecting the operation of the Condor Plan: papers with intelligence writings transmitting systematic criminal actions.

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For example, he was able to read an "evening report", published secretly on August 12, 1976, indicating that the countries of South America that had agreed to launch counter-terrorism tasks in Europe (Argentina, Uruguay and Chile) agreed to suspend the launch of the plan until Brazil decides to participate or not. "And he notes, giving birth to these facts for the first time that" Brazil has agreed to participate in the coordination of intelligence activities related to the Condor in South America, but does not agree to participate in joint actions in Europe. "And he adds that without Brazil, the other three would not risk such a kidnapping movement of the opponents.

"The first major declbadification and handing over of 2002 documents was followed by the one promised by former President Barack Obama during his visit to our country (in March 2016), as in previous declbadifications, The communication between the State Department in Washington and its embbady in Buenos Aires this time included intelligence communications prepared by the CIA, the FBI and the Ministry of Defense, among other agencies This is the difference with this latest delivery received by Garavano and that it will be available for the National Archives of Memory.

The New York Times anticipates executions such as Marcos Osatinsky, one of Montoneros' leaders. It states that the Americans learned that Argentine officers had brutally tortured and murdered him and that they had lied about the circumstances of the death. And also that they got rid of the body before an autopsy. He then wrote the FBI agent, Robert S. Scherrer. "It is unlikely that Osatinsky's body will ever appear"

Detail of some of the declbadified documents contained in CDs of historical documents on the last dictatorship of Argentina, handed over by the US Government to Argentina. Photo: EFE / Lenin Nolly

Detail of some of the declbadified documents contained in CDs of historical documents on the last dictatorship of Argentina, handed over by the US Government to Argentina. Photo: EFE / Lenin Nolly

This newspaper could also see another "evening report" which states that "Argentine terrorists were killed", who were two senior officials of the People 's Revolutionary Army (ERP), one of them was Mario Santucho and another, Enrique Merlo.The cable warns of possible terrorist revenge for these and five other ERP deaths at the hands of the army and police.

New information regarding the kidnapping and murder of Jesús Cejas Arias and Crescencio Nicomedes Galañena Hernández, employees of the Cuban Embbady in Buenos Aires, have also been uncovered. Both disappeared on August 9, 1976, as a result of an unexpected event The commercial alliance between the former Soviet Union and the military regime generated a tacit situation of not persecuting "his people".

Due to the declbadified documents, the CIA also learned of the badbadination of Argentina's ambbadador to Venezuela, Héctor Hidalgo Solá, in July 1977. The intelligence agency learned that he had been killed. it was an unauthorized operation carried out by Argentine intelligence agents who were looking for money. the kidnapped



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