2019 Elections: Nearly half of Argentines trust Cristina Kirchner to reduce inflation


A national economic study shows the support of Argentines to the former president to pull the country out of the crisis.

April 14, 2019

More than 45% of Argentines think that, with Cristina Kirchner in the presidency, will reduce inflation, one of the worst indicators of the government of Mauricio Macri.

The data come from the April national economic survey conducted by consultants Gustavo Córdoba and Aasociados, where 30.6% were "strongly in agreement" with the statement, 14, 7% being "rather in agreement".

When projecting the dollar price, nearly 40% estimated that it would be above 50 USD by the end of 2019. While talking about inflation over 60%, it should exceed 31 points, the strongest segment being the who consider that it will be greater than 45 (18.5%).

While two out of three Argentines think that the situation will worsen at the end of the year, a little more than 62% of respondents said they consider "worrying" the debt contracted by macrismo to organizations. international markets, generating "uncertainty for the future".

In the agreement, 47.3% of Argentines considered that the current government of Mauricio Macri was at the origin of the crisis, well above the 38.8% who attribute the problems to the previous government ( 13.9% do not know or do not know how to answer)


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