Elections 2019: Peronism is brought before the Inter-American Court for the decree preventing the unity of opposition


In the PJ of Buenos Aires, all the alarms were triggered by the maneuvers of Cambiemos to avoid a defeat in October.

April 14, 2019

The Peronism of Buenos Aires will go to international organizations to protest the decree of the national government that seeks to prevent unity opposition to the October elections. The holder of the PJ of the province of Buenos Aires, Fernando Gray, will send the case to Inter-American Court of Human Rights whereas the regulation to ban collector lists is a violation of institutional and the rule of law by changing the rules of the game during the electoral process.

The mayor of Esteban Echeverría and responsible for the justicialismo of the province approved this decision with his peers and other referents who were Saturday in Avellaneda, where practically all the Peronism of Buenos Aires coincided in one act which practically served as a campaign launch against the October elections. At this time, the text is prepared with which the decree published Thursday in the official bulletin will be reported to the IACHR.

To integrate

In this way, the opposition will seek to protect themselves in the international plane preparing a resource in front of the Argentine electoral justice which forces the government to back down on the decision. According to you could discover The destape, the PJ will present this week a letter to this effect before the judge María Romilda Servini, proposing the unconstitutionality of the decree. The progress of this case is relevant because the IACHR can not act decisively until the local authorities have exhausted it.

Whatever the case may be, the presentation in court based in San Jose Costa Rica will have other effects in the electoral process, because it can serve – for example – as precedent when applying for international observers that they oversee the elections and control. The opposition is concerned about the transparency with which these processes will be conducted, given key decisions made by the government without consultation in recent months.

In PJ, the suspicion that the government will use all possible resources to avoid a defeat in Octobereven in case of doubtful or non-existent legal means. The antecedent of the 2017 provisional examination, on which suspicions subsist, is still very present. In the team that has been working for several months to avoid upheavals in the upcoming elections, the principle is that getting more votes is a necessary but not sufficient condition to guarantee a victory.

In this sense, the government decree to avoid the use of collector lists He activated the alarms. It is a unilateral decision that "manipulates the rules to favor one of the parties", considered in the opposition. In addition, they say, it's unconstitutional, because "Limits the party's ability to act" when designing their electoral strategies. There is a consensus within the PJ to consider that election transparency should not be taken for granted. Also in the necessity to resort to all the necessary instances to guarantee it.


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