We believe the "main provider of personal goods platforms"This is how he advertises on his Instagram account." One of his first publications said: "In the ever-changing world of social networks, the only constants are the people at the end of the channel. " EscapeX, burgeoning actor of the social media universe. It is supposed to be a concept that aims to take control of the platforms and return it to the creators ",where the communication is direct, there is no intermediary, where everyone can be seen"
Your proposal is different, disruptive. C & # 39; an alternative to Instagram, which seduces celebrities, influencers and accounts with more subscribers, even their fans. It works as a personal property platform (POP) or a mini Instagram for each content creator. Each one of them has its own application, an individual section, made by the same EscapeX, which offers the possibility to create a personalized platform and decentralized in the manner of an Instagram.
Their business strategy is different from that of more conventional social networks: to be a follower, you have to pay. There is a phenomenon of immediate monetization that particularly seduces the main influencers of the mapaccording to the company, people who reach nearly three billion followers in the world and who grow by 150 million followers per month. Its website describes it as follows: "Escapex offers an alternative to old social media platforms where busy people can create a unique brand for free and start generating revenue through the app or contest, without setup fees or time to stop ".
One of its main attributes is that each application is manipulated directly by the influencer. It acts as a counterpoint to the dominance of celebrity platform politics, which can now manage its publications and ensure that all content delivered to its social network reaches its subscribers. There are no algorithms or cross-interests that intervene in the interaction: one of his currencies is "everything can be seen".
Subscribers, too, are subscribers: they can give a "fav", they can comment, share the publication and even publish their own content in a space called "Fanfeed". For this they have to pay – in the United States, 12% of subscribed users they pay six dollars a month to access the content of their favorite influencer– and in return, they receive their reward: more intimacy, proximity and a more authentic connection between followers and celebrity.
Escapex is like a premium service for the most voracious fans. The Fast Company website compares it to a virtual haunt of many celebrities and names actors Jeremy Renner and Alexander Ludwing, as well as singers Prince Royce and Yandel. It was founded in 2015 and raised $ 18 million in venture funds. He has created more than 350 apps for more than 350 celebrities and influential personalities from 18 different countries, making it a bold way to monetize popularity. More than 20 million users have subscribed to these accounts and, on average, open the application four times a day.
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