The Pope visits Benedict XVI to greet him on the occasion of Easter and his birthday


In the afternoon of Monday, April 15, at the beginning of Holy Week, Pope Francis went to the "Mater Ecclesiae" monastery in the Vatican Gardens to greet Benedict XVI before the impending Easter holiday. and congratulate him on his next birthday. The eminent pope will be 92 years old tomorrow.

Vatican City

As reported the Acting Director of the Press Office of the Holy See, Alessandro Gisotti, in the afternoon of April 15, Pope Francis addressed the monastery "Mater Ecclesiae" located inside the Vatican Gardens, to express Benedict XVI. XVI your best wishes before the imminent celebration of Easter.

"The meeting also allowed the Holy Father to present, with particular affection, his congratulations on his birthday to the Pope Emeritus, who will turn 92 tomorrow," added Gisotti.


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