That's how newspapers around the world reflected the fire of Notre Dame Cathedral


The eyes of the world have been placed on la France Monday, April 15, when the flames spilled the roof and the center arrow of the historic Notre-Dame cathedral, historic building of the French capital. In the morning of this Tuesday, while the Paris Firefighters they finished extinguishing the flames, citizens of the world woke up with news illustrating the covers of different international newspapers.

Notre Dame is one of the most important works of Gothic architectureIts construction lasted nearly two centuries – it required 182 years of work – and ended in 1345

The firefighters of Paris managed to extinguish the fire at Notre Dame

"Our Lady is our story, the place where we live our wars and our liberationsit is from there that all distances depart. It's the cathedral of all the French, even those who have never come here, "said President Emmanuel Macron, several hours after the flames were reported.

The magnitude of the loss is such that the world's newspapers have not remained alien and that almost all of their covers this Tuesday reflects the tragedy of the Parisians.

Newspapers from around the world testify to the tragedy of Notre-Dame Cathedral
The Vanguardia, El País, El Mundo, ABC, among others, were some of the newspapers that covered the Parisian tragedy. Photo: AFP.

"Paris cries for his dear lady" He titled this Tuesday The telegraph.

One of tomorrow's Daily Telegraph: "Paris mourns his beloved lady" #tomorrowspaperstayay

– The telegraph (@Telegraph) April 15, 2019

"Nine centuries of history lost in ruthless hell", He examined in his first page the newspaper Daily Mail UK

Tuesday @ DailyMailUK #MailFrontPages

– Daily Mail U.K. (@DailyMailUK) April 15, 2019

"Devastated Hell Our Lady", Recorded for its part The Guardian in its cover.

Guardian cover page, Tuesday, April 16, 2019: Inferno devastates Notre Dame

– The Guardian (@guardian) April 15, 2019

Newspapers from around the world testify to the tragedy of Notre-Dame Cathedral
The covers of the newspapers La Vanguardia and El País.

"Arre Notre Dame, Christian memory of Europe", the newspaper reported ABC.

Tomorrow on ABC, special information on the devastating fire of Notre Dame Cathedral

– (@abc_es) April 15, 2019

The morning The echoes titled: "The tragedy of Paris".

LES ECHOS: The tragedy of Paris #tomorrowspaperstay

– Neil Henderson (@endopolis) April 15, 2019

The newspaper The country thinks about his cover: "The flames devastate Notre Dame, symbol of European culture"

EL PAÍS cover of tomorrow: "The flames devastate Notre Dame, symbol of European culture"

– EL PAÍS (@el_pais) April 15, 2019

Newspapers from around the world testify to the tragedy of Notre-Dame Cathedral
Magazines from around the world told the Parisian tragedy on the cover on Tuesday, April 16th.

"A fire devours Notre Dame, a European symbol"He called for L & # 39; vanguard.

"A fire devours Notre Dame, European symbol", on the cover of this Tuesday

– The Vanguardia (@LaVanguardia) April 15, 2019

"You call to Our Lady", published the newspaper The world

#The cover of a magazine Tuesday, April 16th.

– THE WORLD (@elmundoes) April 15, 2019



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