The firefighters of Paris managed to extinguish the fire at Notre Dame


The fire in the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris It could be controlled this Tuesday after more than nine hours of work in the French capital. According to detailed firefighters, the structure "It's safe and preserved" and the main works of art have been protected.

The firefighters spokesman, Gabriel MoreHe explained that "The fire is out", although "there may be residual foci" they will therefore continue the whole day with the works to extract, with the help of experts, works of art that have not yet been removed, according to the Spanish newspaper. The country.

The Paris firefighters reported that two police officers and a firefighter were slightly injured during fire extinguishing work. "After more than nine hours of fierce fighting, more than 400 Paris firefighters fought the terrible fire, two police officers and a firefighter were slightly injured," they said.

In addition, they badured that "the structure of the cathedral was saved" and that the "main works of art" were protected "Through the combined action of different departments of the state".

Because of this unrest, a group of parishioners approached the area last night, where even firefighters work to contain the fire. they sang the famous Hail Mary.

What is the main hypothesis about the fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral?

Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, announced Monday, April 15 by the President night, they will rebuild the cathedral. "Our Lady is our history, the place where we live our wars and our liberations, it is from here that all the distances begin, it is the cathedral of all the French, even of those who are never come, "he said in an enlightened speech.

The president expressed, visibly moved, thanking the firefighters for saving the two towers and the facade of the monument"The worst has been avoided, even though we have not yet fully won the battle."

France has rejected the help of Donald Trump to save Notre Dame

The the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral began around 19 (local time) and has become the main news of all the world's media, while Paris prosecutors believe that was launched purely and exclusively by accident, according to the preliminary inquiry.

Researchers they privilege the trace of an accidental fire that would have started on the roof of the mythical cathedral, where renovations have been carried out, said a source close to the researchers.



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