The camera turns off laptops with a snap to Rocca and asks for an accelerated trial


Meanwhile, the athlete Oscar Centeno (the first repentant of the case) has reappeared with the goal – kept under seven keys – to deliver a fresh brief to the investigators. A reinforcement of its initial version of the logbook of corruption in times when repentant statements were under the cloak of doubt? Yes, with justification of his authorship for the photocopied and burned notebooks and allegation of innocence concerning his role in the wrongful badociation for which he is being treated. A deadline must be respected progressively: as of August 1, the deadlines of one year badigned by the law to the various collaborators will begin to certify that the information which they provided is useful to the cause, that they said the truth and that their agreements should not fall under false witness. Centeno met the official defender Gustavo Kollman. There he gave him a short "manuscript" where he shouted for his untying of the illicit. Centeno is free but under the Witness and Pre-trial Protection Program, and lives in the province of Buenos Aires under strict security measures.

In the same resolution, Chamber I of the Chamber confirmed instead the provisional detention of the former Minister of Planning, Julio de Vido and Roberto Baratta, who will be brought to justice. They are two of the five who are still in jail for this case. The Chamber ordered the release of Baratta's former secretary, Nelson Lazarte, still in detention. In a simultaneous resolution, the court sealed the lawsuits of the widow of former presidential secretary Daniel Muñoz, Carolina Pochetti and Kirchner's accountant, Víctor Manzanares. Both for money laundering as part of one of the findings of the case that has resulted in a higher level of evidence and regretted the $ 70 million movements of the former Secretary K's environment. At the same time, the freedom of Isidro Bunin, former councilor, was ordered by Cristina de Kirchner.

The decisions of the Chamber questioned Bonadio's actions and, as Ambito Financiero pointed out, they insisted on placing the magnifying glbad on a point which the judge was careful to ignore: the possible involvement of the family. Eskenazi to the distribution of public works and to the role of Cartellone. Moreover, the judges upheld the indictment of the former chief of staff, Juan Manuel Abal Medina, but asked the judge to set the dismissal no Máximo Kirchner. Bonadio had dismissed the investigated section for "campaign contributions" of illicit origin that were allegedly conveyed through members of La Cámpora with the resulting collection. of businessmen. Judge Sergio Torres, who had thrown Comodoro Py on the way to the Buenos Aires Supreme Court, decided yesterday to entrust this investigation to the electoral justice system, which would be left to María Servini and incarnated in alleged electoral financing crimes.

The exhortation of Rocca comes from the fact that his version of his lack of knowledge on the bribes paid by Techint No. 2, Luis Betnaza, was credited to him. Bonadio had considered him responsible for payments to the government of the Republic of Korea in order to intercede for employees stranded in a standoff with Chavez for the nationalization of SIDOR, Venezuela. "It is certainly not possible to ignore the hierarchy of the mandates within the commercial conglomerate and the possibilities of knowing the status of the various companies that this position allowed him to define the direction of their activity and to invest in its development. However, since such extremes alone, are not sufficient to establish a reprimand by virtue of the facts on which investigation, "said the judgment that pardoned Rocca. "The specialization and diversification of this economic group prevents the inference herefrom that the agent intervened to deal with the cash demands to which the calculator was referring by indicating that these payments had been made", declared the Chamber. "Neither the Venezuelan-based company nor those based in that country are mere branches and the same company, but they themselves are big companies with their own leaders and businessmen," they said. with sympathy. Neither the judge nor the Chamber stopped at the statement of the Commissioner of the Road Traffic Control Authority, Claudio Ubierti, who – the repentant having accepted – stated that he had transferred "five or six" direct payments of 100 US $ 000 for Néstor. Kirchner It has also not been explained that the alleged bribes were authorized by the number 2 of the company and not by a remote dependence of the holding company.

The Chamber – with its decision before Christmas to exclude employers from an illicit badociation and to moderate their accusations – had already shown that it would seek to cut cables that could speed up the counter of "notebooks". The Supreme Court has thundered an unwritten order that demanded to polish as much as possible all the disorder of the cause before it degenerates.


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