Preparing her election launch, Cristina Kirchner travels to Cuba to visit Florence


The former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner will leave for Cuba early Saturday, as expected, visit his daughter Florence, after receiving judicial approval of the trip and rumors of imminent release of his candidacy for the presidency.

The Federal Court 8 granted this week the approval of the national senator of the province of Buenos Aires to visit his daughter, who is under medical treatment on the Caribbean island. The magistrates of the court approved that they had already signed the TOF 2, who accomplishes the cause of the alleged address of public works in Santa Cruz, and the TOF 5, whose cause is Los Sauces.

Florencia Kirchner in Cuba: the sum of all fears

His return to the country would be April 30, three weeks before the start of the first oral trial to be held for alleged corruption, and just under two months before the closure of the lists for the 2019 elections.

The leader of the citizen unit I had already traveled to Cuba March 14 on a flight of Copa Airlines accompanied by the depositories of the federal police. He stayed there for seven days. Senator Kirchner 's daughter, who is also judged with her brother Máximo in the Los Sauces case, has been on the island since March.

Florencia says she must stay at the Surgical Surgery Research Center (CIMEQ) in Havana for his extensive diagnosis, which included "post-traumatic stress disorder", "study purpuric syndrome", "demyelinating polyneuropathy sensitive of unknown etiology", "study amenorrhea", "low body weight" and "low limb mild lymphedema of the lower limbs"; unknown etiology ".

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The former president's trip takes place while the latest polls show a slight rebound in his intention to vote to the detriment of the ruling party. This is confirmed by the latest study conducted by the consultant Isonomía with the agreement of PROFILE. It follows that before a second round, the exmandataria would exceed 9 points Mauricio Macri.

When asked who would vote in a vote between the current president and CFK, 45% chose exmandataria, 36% were in favor of Macri, 17% answered "None" and 3% "Do not know / No answer".

The President's silence in recent months He began to feed the latest rumor regarding his possible candidacy for this year's elections: would run on June 20 on the race course.

Environments related to the former president suggest that the former president would possibly be a candidate in this year's elections and that the official announcement would be made "in the coming weeks".



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