An 11-year-old girl died from an allergic shock caused by a toothpaste


Nail 11 years old baby from California, who dreamed of being youtuber and "changing the world" died of a deadly allergic reaction to toothpaste. Now, his parents are looking for sensitize about the importance of while reading in detail of each of the components of the products used by families.

Denise Saldate had been diagnosed with a lactose allergy when he was barely a year oldsince he could not properly digest bad milk, dairy products or even soy products.

April 4, Denise He left the bathroom crying after brushing his teeth. "He said that he could not breathe and that his lips were blue," said his mother Monique Altamirano. Immediately, the girl's father, José Saldate, called 911 and underwent chest compressions as part of the CPR technique.

Denise was 11 years old.
Denise was 11 years old.

Parents also applied a autoinjector of adrenaline to stop anaphylaxis (potentially fatal allergic shock) and tried to give him the inhaler for asthma. Denise died that night, according to specialized media Allergic life.

What happened

Monique and José they always read all the labels of products and foods that they approached the baby. "We gave him his own desserts so that he could eat at birthday parties and we worked with his school to give him the right foods for lunch," Saldate told local media.

But to both parents it never occurred to them that milk could be one of the ingredients of pasta of teeth "My Paste One", which had even been prescribed by the family doctor. The family did not see the warnings printed on the front and back of the button indicating that the toothpaste was contained.Recaldent®", A protein derived from milk.

The awareness campaign

Two weeks after the death of her daughter, Denise's parents say that awareness is "the only thing that makes sense now". "We can not recover Denise, but we can help others on her behalf."They said." We thank people who take allergies seriously. Denise wanted to change the world, but her way of doing things is heartbreaking. "

Then, one of the videos broadcast by the mother in memory of Denise in her YouTube project:


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