The five warplanes that Argentina bought from France arrive


The five fighter-bombers Super Etendard Modernized (SEM) left France on Thursday and They are already heading to Argentina. They will train part of naval naval aviation.

This airplane model is an old name of the country: It was used by Argentina during the Falklands War conflict in 1982. Its Exocet missiles sank the British fleet, the HMS Seffield destroyer and the Atlantic Conveyor freighter.

The purchase, signed in December 2017, was under the responsibility of the Ministry of Defense and was finalized for 12.5 million euros.

The Super Etendard was used by Argentina during the Malvinas War.
The Super Etendard was used by Argentina during the Malvinas War.

The five aircraft were part of the French Navy and had been retired in 2016. They were updated in order to stretch their operational life, and modernized in its navigation and configuration systems to expand its range of missions. Here, they would be primarily intended for the control of the sea of ​​Argentina.

The planes are already heading to Argentina. Credits: The New.
The planes are already heading to Argentina. Credits: The New.

The planes reach a speed of 1100 km / h and its autonomy reaches almost 1900 km. The purchase in France includes in the same shipment spare parts, radars, tools and a simulator to train pilots.

As soon as the news of the incorporation of these planes was known, the United Kingdom bought an expensive anti-missile shield of Israeli origin to protect the Malvinas Islands, according to the London Daily Mail published late 2017.


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