Today, the service My bike, your bike is free in the city


Today, April 19, the World Bike Day is celebrated with multiple activities among which the free system Mi Bici Tu Bici is highlighted throughout the day by the ordinance N ° 9.841 approved by the municipal council, which establishes this measure. to encourage more and more people from Rosario to choose to bike around from one point to another in the city.

In this festive setting, until April 26th, a fair for discounts and benefits in bike shops and stores to encourage more bike trips. This action is organized by the Mobility Agency in collaboration with the secretariats of transport and mobility and by production, employment and innovation.

Attached commercial premises will bring benefits to customers who come by bike; In addition, those who make a purchase will have the opportunity to add points with the application Movi Joven. Sites participating in the promotion can be viewed at

Sunday morning, the traditional bike ride will take place in Calle Recreativa, with the draw between participants of a bike and bicycle accessories. The activity will begin after 10am.


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