Pope Francis goes on the Stations of the Cross at the Roman Colosseum


Pope Francis today directs his seventh Via Crucis as pontiff in front of the Roman Coliseum, where he arrived just after the 16th hour of Argentina (21 in Rome), where he was received by the local mayor Virginia Raggi and a crowd of more than 20,000 people, reported the Vatican.

The pontiff will recite a prayer at the end of the ceremony, after reading the meditations.

During a year in which the Vatican took the inclusion of women as the main axis, the meditations for the Via Crucis were written by the Italian nun Eugenia Bonetti, who focused her work on the denunciation of human trafficking and the special condemnation of prostitution.

"Let us think of children from different parts of the world who can not go to school and who, on the contrary, are exploited in mines, fields, fishing, sold and bought by meat merchants, for transplantation. bodies, abused and exploited in our streets by many, including Christians, who have lost the sense of their own sacredness and others, "he says in this line in the sixth of the fourteen stations in which the celebration was divided.

Pope Francis presided at the Lord's Pbadion ceremony during the Good Friday celebrations. Source: EFE
Pope Francis presided at the Lord's Pbadion ceremony during the Good Friday celebrations. Source: EFE

"As a tiny corpse, found a night in Rome, to which men in luxury cars were queuing to enjoy," he said later in the text.

Francisco began on Good Friday in the Basilica of San Pedro where, prostrate for two minutes in silence, he took the first step to celebrate the so-called "celebration of the Lord", characterized by the fact that the Pope does not preach but rather he is limited to listening to the homily of the preacher of the Pontifical House, Raniero Cantalamessa, an 84 year old Capuchin who also guides him in his annual spiritual exercises.

Cantalamessa affirmed in his homily that "the Church has been mandated by its founder to stand on the side of the poor and the weak, to be the voice of those who do not have a voice." and, thank God, that's what she does above all else in her supreme pastor. "

News in development being updated.


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