How are they and how much will it cost to rent the skateboards that can now circulate in the streets of Buenos Aires – 19/04/2019


They are small, foldable and convenient to sneak into the city avoiding congestion, but officially. electric skateboards they do not exist and therefore must not circulate. At least for the moment: the Buenos Aires legislature is moving forward with a project to incorporate them as vehicles in the Traffic and Transport Code. And this Friday, the city government announced in the framework of the Summit of public transport leaders in Moscow the launch of a similar system to Ecobici, but intended for the rental of motorized skateboards. It will begin in July with a thousand rolls available.

"We know that the most important thing for the neighbors is to get home quickly or to work, reducing travel times.That's why we're going to add it to the Metrobuses network, to the bike paths and to the different transit improvement policies. new mobility alternative. Electric skateboards are agile, comfortable and are used in major cities around the world to make short trips and connect to public transport, "said Esteban Galuzzi, Undersecretary for Traffic and Transportation of the City of Buenos Aires, at a press conference with Argentine journalists who cover the meeting in Moscow.

The official predicted that once the bill that will regulate these laws is approved, the Ports Transport Secretariat will promote the "Pilot test of shared electric skateboards", with the participation of several companies. During this test, we will badyze the most appropriate economic model for the city of Buenos Aires. Because, it is necessary to specify, unlike Ecobici, this system will be private and it will pay to use the skateboards. In principle, $ 25 to unlock them and between $ 7 and $ 10 per minute of use.

In the United States, Uber offers a service of electric skateboards.

In the United States, Uber offers a service of electric skateboards.

In the dialogue with Clarín, Galuzzi gave details: "In Buenos Aires, electric skateboards can be removed from stores like Starbucks and Farmacity. A few months later, in residential areas, they can be lifted or left on the way. But in busy places, such as Plaza Italia, there will be demarcated areas to pick them up or deliver them. In these places, if someone tries to leave the skateboard in an unauthorized place, the system will not close the trip and will continue to charge it. "

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What are we doing this weekend? | All proposals to organize your weekend.

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Electric skateboards are already sold in local appliance chains, priced from $ 8,000 to $ 14,000. This rental test will last one year, with the possibility of extending it by one year. Different companies, national and international, can participate. Once the experience is over, the Government of Buenos Aires will issue a call for tenders to select those who will offer this service in the future.

But first, you must legalize electric skateboards. On the one hand, the executive sent to the Legislative Assembly a project to incorporate them into the city's transit code and define what they are. They will be framed in the figure of "devices of personal mobility or micromobility". It is estimated that the project will be approved in the early days of May.

Immediately after the coming into force of the law, they will take a resolution to regulate its use and create the electric skateboard rental system. The official intention is to start operating in July. Like Ecobici, to unlock the skateboards, you will need to use a mobile phone application.

This will be the system to rent an electric skateboard.

This will be the system to rent an electric skateboard.

The traffic conditions of these new mobility aids will be similar to those of pedal-badisted electric bicycles. In Transportation, they list: they must be transferred only to a driver; have an electric motor and a braking system; reach a maximum speed of 25 km / h, and have a horn and a front and rear light. Your driver must wear a helmet.

Where can they go? "Electric skateboards they can not walk on sidewalks"Galuzzi says squarely, in sections with bike lanes or bike lanes, they must drive exclusively through them.If otherwise, they can drive on the road cars and avenues, except July 9 and, of course, not on non-motorways. Plus, by the way, restrictions already exist for cyclists.

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According to the Buenos Aires government, this plan aims to promote new forms of sustainable mobility. And also, to know the new modalities of shared mobility.


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