Milk costs more in Argentina than in Europe and the United States


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This attitude of society, which includes the largest dairy producers in the country, has not only eliminated the poorest sectors the possibility of buy milk they need, marginalize them to consume "dairy products"Doubtful nutritional value, but they got the"the most expensive milk in the world", Exceed the prices in euros or dollars of the first world countries.


In the land of cows

To begin, from 22 pesos which in December 2018 cost a bag ofL & # 39; harmony", The price went to the 25 pesos shortly after the beginning of the year.

In a second step, since February, they began to miss the sachets gondolas of the main supermarket chains, which signaled this missing "problems of agriculture and livestock"Associated with coastal flooding, while there are actually cows in the pampas region.

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After that, the First brand of dairy products in the country launched not one or two, but four types of milk, which differ in fat content, but still omitting the manufacture of bags of its second brand, "L & # 39; harmony"The price of each of these bags is 42,50 pesos.

But was there not a lack of milk?

As if to complicate matters, supermarkets have begun to impose a limit on the purchase "up to 4 sachets"By family to only one in other stores.

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After that, tetra-brik packets of a liter of milk cost between 58 and 62 pesos (bottles), with the exception of brands that settle their products at 48 pesos taking advantage of this debacle.

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Other supermarkets prefer to hide this problem of shortage in the bill "justified by the Ministry of Commerce"

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In Europe, you do not receive

Popular has opened a survey in several countries in which supermarkets do not set prices but the demand does, and have found places where the price of milk in the carton is very close to that of the market Argentina It is marketed in sachet.

For example, in Germany Milk is obtained in plastic bottles or tetra-brik pots for quantities ranging from 99 euro cents (about 46.38 pesos in current value) to 1.39 (65.39 pesos).


In Spain, where it was implemented years ago a clbadification of milk it goes from full go to skimmed but with intermediaries who go from the semi-skimmed wing lateyou can get milk in tetra brik by values ​​ranging from 70 euro cents (32.80 pesos) to 1.29 (60.44 pesos).

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The variants are so numerous that there is even milk from oats, coconut, soy and almonds (all calcium fortified) from the 86 euro cents (35.83 pesos) up to 1.49 euro (62.08 pesos).

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In la Franceon the other hand, there was a price increase which brought the minimum price of 56 euro cents (26.24 pesos) at 0.73 euro (34.20 pesos) in a year and a half. But here you can get one liter of milk from this minimum up to 1.50 euro (70,28) according to the different brands and qualities, leaving aside the Paysan Breton premium which reaches 1.80 euros (84.33 pesos).



In Italyyou can get a bottle of plastic milk 1.15 euros (53.88 pesos) of the supermarket brand crossroads, up to 1.49 euro (69.81).

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However, all these prices are subject to spontaneous liquidations. "This milk that costs 1.49 euros, I bought it at 59 cents", She told POPULAR Carla, an Argentinian looking for luck in the late 1990s in Italy, where she not only found an adorable family, but also the tranquility of being able to go to the supermarket a monopoly that imposes prices "As gentlemen".

Finally, in the United States, milk is sold per gallon, and that's why you can get plastic containers type bottles (as in movies) from 946 ml to 1.99 USD (82.91 pesos), but if you buy the 1.88 liter, the price is $ 2.59 (107.9 USD), that the container 3.78 liters leaves 3.99 (166.23 pesos).


In all these countries of the "First World", the liter of milk comes out, in comparison with packaging, more economical than that sold in Argentina.


We especially thank Esteban Balaguer, Laura Aznar, Natalia Aznar and Mariana Joos for their photographic contributions.


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