Massacre in Mexico: an armed group shot 13 people at a family party


The event happened last night, during an event in Minatitlan, Veracruz Source: Reuters – Credit: Angel Hernandez

MINATITLÁN.- Thirteen people attending a party in the municipality


from Minatitlán, in Veracruz, were killed last night in a mbadacre perpetrated by a group of armed men.

Among the deceased victims, there is a minor, seven men and five women. Four other people were injured while the survivors are completely shocked.

"I felt the gun in my head, the guy pointed at me in. I leaned over and I did not shoot myself," said a 50-year-old woman dressed of local costumes and who participated in the family event.

The attack began when the murderers arrived on the scene in search of a person known as "El Beky" who, according to the first police reports, was the owner of a bar located in Minatitlán, a violent state in eastern Mexico with a strong presence of

organized crime

. Then they drew the breath.

According to a young woman who witnessed the mbadacre and lost her brother, "six people came to shoot everyone". "They saw that you had a baby in your arms and that you were still gunshot wounded," he continued, adding that "almost everyone has been thrown to the ground while they told him to turn around and see them while shooting at them. "

Federal and state forces have launched an operation to find those responsible. To do this, they set up checkpoints and security filters at points close to the site.


In the state of Veracruz, which covers the whole coast of the Gulf of Mexico, cartels

drug traffickers

The Zetas and their rivals from Jalisco Nueva Generación face blood and fire due to the control over drug routes and fuel theft. On many occasions, killers kill their rivals and make their bodies disappear into clandestine graves or kill them in cold blood on the street, in public places or in restaurants.

Due to drug-related violence, more than 40,000 people are missing in Mexico and nearly 250,000 people have been killed, according to official data, without knowing how many of them are related to this type of crime. The number of casualties has intensified mainly since the end of 2006, when then-president Felipe Calderón launched a controversial and intense military offensive to fight the mafias.

More particularly in Minatitlán, in November last year, five people were killed by armed men who stormed a wedding anniversary party.

And yesterday, in the state of Michoacán, located in the west of the country, three men were shot dead in a restaurant in Puerto de Felipe Carrillo, in the municipality of Buenavista. Another person was injured in this attack, apparently under the blows of a baseball bat.

AFP Agency


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