France warns against the use of ibuprofen to treat certain infections


A spokeswoman for ANSM told EFE on Friday that "at the request of France", a collegial badysis will be conducted with its European counterparts.

The spokesman reminded that drug approvals are granted for the whole of Europe, not only for France, and that it is on this scale that it is necessary to rebadess the risk / benefit ratio of these products.

The ANSM, which launched last June a pharmacological survey ordered from its centers in Tours and Marseille, published Thursday a series of recommendations to favor paracetamol ibuprofen and ketoprofen in case of pain or fever .

Especially when it is an infection such as angina, nasopharyngitis, otitis, cough, lung infection, as well as for a lesion cutaneous or chickenpox.


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They also gave some rules of good use of these two anti-inflammatories, starting to use the "minimal effective dose, for the shortest duration", stopping the treatment as soon as the symptoms disappear, not prolonging it more than three days in case of fever, nor more than five s? there is pain.

These recommendations stem from a study he commissioned in June 2018 from their regional centers in Tours and Marseilles, concluding that there are many infections, including streptococci, which could be aggravated by taking these two drugs.

These complications were observed after very short periods of treatment (two to three days) when ibuprofen or ketoprofen had been prescribed (or used in self-medication) in case of fever, benign skin problems of inflammatory nature, respiratory or otorhinolaryngological.

In the cases studied, which date back to a long period started in 2000, French researchers badyzed 337 infectious complications with ibuprofen and 49 with ketoprofen of a severe nature and at the origin of hospitalizations, after-effects and even death.

Ibuprofen is the second most used badgesic in France for the first degree of severity, after paracetamol.


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