An 11-year-old girl died from an allergic reaction caused by this toothpaste


April 20, 2019

The 11-year-old girl had an allergic reaction to a protein containing toothpaste and death. Now, his family has launched an awareness campaign. Look!

The girl and the pasta that caused her a life-threatening allergy
The girl and the pasta that caused her a life-threatening allergy

Denise Saldate lived in California, USA, and dreamed of becoming a famous youtuber. However, the 11-year-old girl died as a result of allergic reaction that caused toothpaste in particular that it contained a deadly protein for an organism.

When the baby was barely a year old, he was diagnosed with lactose allergy. As a result, he could not ingest bad milk, dairy products or soy products.

Attentive and cautious, her parents Monique and José Altamirano always read all the labels of the products and foods eaten by the child. Although they never imagined that milk could be present in any of the ingredients of a product toothpaste, known as "My Paste One", which, to top it off, had been prescribed by the doctor who followed her badiduously. This protein caused a allergic reaction fulminating

The miner could not survive the allergy generated by this protein
The miner could not survive the allergy generated by this protein

The truth was that the baby's family had not observed the indications and ingredients of the toothpaste well and that it had just "Recaldent", a protein derived from milk, that had caused allergic reaction deadly.

On April 4, 2018, the child failed to cry after brushing his teeth happily toothpaste. Denise "could not breathe and her lips were blue," her mother told local media.

She dyed her hair and had a terrible allergic reaction: "I could not …"

The girl's father called the police and gave her chest compressions in CPR technique. They even used an adrenaline auto-injector to stop anaphylaxis. Unfortunately and despite the efforts made, the girl died that night, according to the specialized media Allergic Living.

They tried CPR but did not succeed
The minor was lactose intolerant

Two weeks after the death, the girl's parents launched an awareness campaign about the importance of reading the content of the products and foods we consume.

"We can not get Denise back, but we can help others on her behalf," said the parents, thanking "the people who take the allergies seriously." Denise wanted to change the world, but her way of doing things is heartbreaking. "

Source: TN.

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