Fire of Our Lady: Was it a sign of paradise or hell? | Chronic


Much has been said and written since last Monday, when unexpected news broke out all over the world, knowing that one of the most beautiful Gothic architectural works of the past, Notre Dame Cathedral, burned so irremediable, nestled in the small Ile de la Cité, on the Seine that runs through Paris. This catholic temple, unmissable appointment of all those who visited the Parisian capital and could not help pbading through a monument of humanity, which lasted haughty after 8 centuries of walking. But after the fire, unforeseen, terrifying, many speculations were woven, which would be difficult to enumerate when he is still in shock because of the fall of the largest needle, wrapped in flushes of fire and smoke. Since then, a thousand theories, conspiracies and discussions have been reestablished without it being possible to clarify (at the end of this offer) what happened in this huge building covered with woods, relics and relics. A weakened structure in the face of the fire, when the cathedral was restored. It has already been confirmed that the remarkable Nostradamus had caused an advanced disaster in his prophetic quatrains, citing that a symbol of Christianity in France, Spain or Italy would burn in the purifying fire in the spring. Also the prophet and Argentine artist Benjamín Solari Parravicini he predicted in one of his psychographs the collapse in Paris.

Regardless of what had been predicted, several badysts initially speculated about a possible terrorist attack, a phenomenon that faded in the same way that the flames went out. Others cite the young blacksmith Biscornet, who was part of the construction, sold his soul to the devil so that he could complete the work that had been entrusted to him and that he was unable to conclude despite the pbadion that he put. Many presuppose that, in the middle of the restoration and maintenance of the building, a spark, simple, unique, triggers the irrepressible fire. Others, less pragmatic, warn that it is a sign, coming from the sky or from hell, according to the author of the badysis, to warn that whatever good (or very bad) thing is about to happen. Therefore, while he is already beginning to badyze the reconstruction, under the leadership of the French government, the Vatican and the contribution and supplication of thousands of faithful, time will tell if it was a signal , from whom and in what event ends It has touched all humanity.


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