What is "real fooding"? The movement created by a nutritionist who triumphs over Instagram by unmasking his products – 22/04/2019


According to Carlos Ríos, a healthy product is one that does not contain more than three ingredients. One that does not include added sugars, flour or wheat starches and (or) refined oils. That's why, as soon as this Andalusian boy finds a food clbadified "healthy" in a supermarket, which is actually not the case, he expresses it immediately in his Instagram account (which counts already nearly 800,000 followers). His public, faithful and more and more numerous, react instantly. The same as the big food chains that, after being unmasked, are forced to introduce changes so as not to disappoint those who are looking for a healthy diet.

Carlos, proud of his crusade in favor of scammed customers, explains that supermarkets "must meet the demand of consumers themselves, who are increasingly aware of what they buy, and if my work helps to this respect, perfect "He is also the author of the book Eat real food (available on Amazon). He was turned last time into one of the most respected diet gurus, who also had, for example, this chocolate with 85% cocoa is much more present on the shelves than a few months ago. He managed to explain that it was perfect to put a note of joy in the ideal diet. In a few days? Hours? minutes? After the launch of their post, the stores responded by expanding their offer as much as possible.

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Realfooding does not prohibit anything. Realfooding puts you in the know, it gives you the knowledge to choose from. Nobody forbids anything. I can only show you the door, it is you who decide to cross it. – – When you enter a supermarket, you are exposed to hundreds of unhealthy products that persuade you with their diversity, marketing and advertising, ambiguity, color, flavor, aroma and even texture. No legislation protects the consumer against the deceptions of the ultra-processed industry, nor a clear identification of these and the consequences of their consumption. It does not matter It's not a conspiracy, it's a business like any other. – – In my book, I discuss with 700 bibliographical references why the population abuses the ultraprocess and the consequences that result. Although some companies have already started their machines to stop Realfooding, this is not going to stop. It is impossible to continue to hide the truth, no matter the money behind. – – Because nobody forbids anything, the freedom of choice of the consumer changes. A freedom based on awareness and knowledge, which makes you see that you can lead a happy life enjoying real food, taking care of your health and improving your physical and mental well-being. MATRIX can buy politicians, experts, media, influencers, scientists … but they can never reach inside your consciousness once you've woken up. At first, it will cost you a lot, but when you master it, you will not be able to go back.

A shared publication by Carlos Ríos (@carlosriosq) on

Carlos Ríos, a professional nutritionist, has become a fashionable influencer thanks to social networks. He founded his own movement that called "Real Fooding". It is translated as "real food" and teaches to eat like our grandmothers. Denounces that we are currently "as in Matrix", that is to say that many people get carried away by what ultra-transformed companies inculcate themselves with their speeches that there are no good or from bad food, that the problem is not sedentary lifestyle food, this food must be balanced, moderate and varied … in an overwhelming battery of messages that take us away from real food and place us squarely in the impbade of the ultra-transformed ".

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REALFOODING?? CLASSIFICATION – – 1️⃣✅Base your foods in low-processed foods, giving priority to those of plant origin. These are foods that carry a single ingredient on the label or directly do not carry labels. Combine them as delicious food ? – – 2 Complete your foods with well-processed foods, without replacing the little processed foods. A good transformation is usually packaged and carries a nutrition label where more than one ingredient is read, but there are no significant amounts (less than or equal to 5-10% of the total) of added sugar, refined flour or refined vegetable oil. These products should play a complementary role in our diet and we can include them to the extent that they do not dislodge the consumption of poorly processed foods. – – 3️⃣❌Evita ultraprocessed (more than 5 ingredients on the label, including added sugars, refined flours and vegetable oils, additives and salt). Consumption should be occasional once a month. The recommendation is the least better. It is recommended not to buy them or to have them in usual places, at home or at work. Ultra-processed foods can be part of a voluntary occasional consumption without remorse, linked to social and cultural events (10%), but maintaining a low frequency without moving a food based on real foods (90%). – – The food should not focus on calories but on the quality of them. That is, the degree of processing of this food and its effects on our health. That's what supportive @realfooding – – Tell your friend who still lives in the MATRIX trickery

A shared publication by Carlos Ríos (@carlosriosq) on

Born in 1991 in Huelva and graduated as a dietitian and nutritionist at the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, at the age of 27, he uses his grace and sympathy (his stories or publications on Instagram that disappear at 24 hours without waste) for transmit this message. message. And so it is that he has earned in record time the respect of the food industry, the favor of children, teenagers, millennials and adults.

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He says that he entered the world of nutrition interested in biology and went out "desperate to see that what is taught at the university is not up to date". At the same time, he learned how to cook in Seville at his grandmother's house Rosario, at Lala's, and discovered, for example, that saturated fat is useless if you do not know how to cook a vegetable stew. Or that healthy eating is not about counting nutrients and calculating calories as many people think, but about eating and cooking.

Source: The Vanguardia


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