Jair Bolsonaro will visit Argentina on June 6 to meet Mauricio Macri


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has announced that he will pay an official visit to Argentina on June 6 during which he will hold talks with his Argentinian counterpart, Mauricio Macri.

"This visit shows the priority that Brazil attaches to its relations with Argentina", the Brazilian Foreign Ministry said in a statement released on Wednesday.

According to the letter, the planned meeting between Macri and Bolsonaro represents "an opportunity" to follow up on the main issues discussed during the Argentinian President's visit to Brasilia last January.

    On January 16, Macri and Bolsonaro had their first diplomatic meeting in Brasilia. (Source: Bloomberg)
On January 16, Macri and Bolsonaro had their first diplomatic meeting in Brasilia. (Source: Bloomberg)

"The meeting will allow both Chairs to clearly define the new directions of the relationship and to print the political momentum to the priorities of the bilateral program, "they added.

The visit was made at the invitation of President Macri and after the trip to Buenos Aires by Brazilian Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo on 9 and 10 April. This is the first time Bolsonaro has been to Buenos Aires since being elected in October and taking office on January 1st.
Argentina is Brazil's largest trading partner in Mercosur and the third largest in the world, behind China and the United States.
Prior to Argentina, Bolsonaro traveled to the United States, Chile and Israel during his first international tour at the head of the Brazilian state.

"This visit shows the priority that Brazil attaches to its relations with Argentina," the Brazilian authorities said at a meeting on June 6. (Source: AFP)

On January 16, the two heads of state held their first official meeting in Brasilia, a few days after taking office in Bolsonaro.

Macri was the first foreign president to make an official visit to Brazil since the beginning of Bolsonaro's term, since he did not participate in his inauguration on 1 January and broke a tradition that was maintained during decades between Argentine and Brazilian leaders. .


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