"I take my people in my heart"


Bishop Bez says goodbye to Nicaragua: "I take my people in my heart"

Managua (Nicaragua) (IACA):It hurts me to leave, but as a church man and man of faith, I want to follow the path of God, said Bishop Silvio Jos Bez, Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, yesterday leaving his country for Rome, where the pope asked to be present. Indeterminate time. The existence of a murder plan of the bishop has been confirmed in recent weeks in environments close to the Nicaraguan regime. The latter was above all a courageous and uncomfortable voice for the government close to the population victim of the repression.

It hurts me to leave, but as a church man and man of faith, I want to follow the path of God, said Bishop Silvio Jos Bez, Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, yesterday leaving his country for Rome, where the pope asked to be present. Indeterminate time.

The existence of a murder plan of the bishop has been confirmed in recent weeks in environments close to the Nicaraguan regime. The latter was above all a courageous and uncomfortable voice for the government close to the population victim of the repression.

A carious salute from the airport of Managua! In obedience to Pope Francis, I leave the country for Rome. Spend this week with my family in Miami. I carry them in my heart and in my prayers! May the Lord bless and bless Nicaragua! "Writes Monseor Bez on Twitter.

Through this social network, many local media and users have posted photos and messages of support to the bishop of Nicaragua as he was bidding farewell to him at Managua Airport, showing of affection and closeness.

Monseor Bez celebrated the Eucharist for the last time in the parish of Santo Cristo in Esquipulas on Easter Sunday last. I did not ask to leave. I was called by the Holy Father. This decision to leave Nicaragua is the sole responsibility of the Holy Father, the auxiliary bishop of Managua told reporters at the end of Mbad.

Liberties are not negotiated

Those of us who follow Jesus do not forget: we must always take a clear and firm stance against anything that destroys or degrades human life and dignity. Freedoms are not negotiated! Neither the dignity nor the life of the people, expressed the prelate during the homila of the Easter Eucharistic celebration.

The tomb is empty, Christ has risen, announced the prelate. Nicaragua is not a grave. That Nicaragua is a country of free men and women who love justice and freedom.

In the same way, I urge the dialogue of the Nicaraguan faithful: dialogue is the only peaceful solution allowing to avoid worse consequences; So we must have hope in the dialogue, but let's emphasize the truth, this government does not want to talk to each other.

And he said: Liberties are not negotiated! Neither the dignity nor the life of the people. The bishop then called for the release of the political prisoners, who should not have been imprisoned.

And I concluded by saying: live your faith, so that no one will take you hope or make you fall into violence; to be a people who renounce violence. Do not leave; believe in the power of love and reconciliation. +


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