Dollar, country risk and a rumor via WhatsApp that alerted investors


During the day, a version aimed at a possible exchange of obligatory debt in case of return of CFK was the object of an insistence among the operators.

The rumors he converted in a seasoning essential of the days nervous What he isanot living in the City. Y the myedWednesday, while they looked the skid of the papers of the debt Argentina, some operators he they did echo of a message of WhatsApp What, with the run of the Hours, he did viral and finishor by improve the panico in the market of the debt.

It text, What circleor in form aornima, insured what after: "The OW (sure the weight) and cacalculations of restructuringornot at 2020 (there is a roadshow of Unit Citizen in NY announcing restructuringornot at 2020).In the cacalculations of the restructuringornot already he spoken, ceteris paribus, of nail to take off of the 30% for to bring the debt of the LP at 45% of the PBI (normally beía of the 20% but at to have debt with the MFIs ascend at 30%) ".

Translated of the jargon financial, what What J & # 39; was saying was What the wave of the sale of tísecurities of the debt Argentina he debía a What some financial of Wall Street había received the explíAppointment confirmationornot, by Party of references of the Kirchnerism, of What in the eventuality of a return of Cristina Kirchner at power, he driveía a exchange compulsive of the debt with nail to take off of the 30 by hundred.

No of the references econormonkeys of the KirchnerismAxel Kicillof and Emmanuel ATÁlvarez Agishe find in New York. Without embargo, of some consultants of the City they pointed at senator Miguel Angel Pichetto, who tripor towards the States United, exactly, for meet with investors.

Pichetto, far of train Party of Unit Citizen, is a crítico acedrimo of the Kirchnerism. But some operators henotAlaron What the senator did a aalysis negative of the the weight of the debt Argentina.

A those even financial the callor the Warningornot a suggestive tweet What I wroteor Pichetto while a apart of your meetings New Yorker.

"I meetí with the main the banks and backgrounds of investmentornot of Wall Street in States United for badyze the current context econormico and financial in Argentina. Highlighted the importance of comply with the obligations international againstídas for not fall in a new fault"

A it hour, already the risk país he había fired, and the speculationornot he was What Pichetto desired clarify your said o opt out of Algerianúnot comment What I could to have fired the the sales of bonuses.

In all case, what What thanor in clear is What in a climate so agitated, with risk país redcordon and dorlar in hiking, all spark he can to explode nail new crisis.

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