Joe Biden announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States – 25/04/2019


Introduces himself. Former US Vice President Joe Biden confirmed that he would attend the Democratic Party primaries in order to qualify for his presidential candidacy, an appointment that will be contested by 20 candidates up to now.

As expected, Biden has formalized his intention to remove Donald Trump from the White House through a video uploaded on social networks. "America is an Idea" is titrated to this place with harsh criticism against the current Republican leader.

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

"The fundamental values ​​of this nation … our position in the world … our democracy … all that America has done – America – is at stake, that's why today I announce my candidacy for the presidency of the United States. "Biden announced.

In the video, which lasts nearly 3 and a half minutes, the Democratic candidate, now a presidential candidate, talks about a march of white supremacists in Charlottesville, which ended with violence and death. A woman. "It was in August 2017, the neo-Nazis took to the streets, waved banners of racism, as in the Europe of 30, and clashed with a group of brave people," he said. he recalled.

"It was at that time that the President stated that, quote," there were very good people on both sides. "Very good people on both sides These words attribute a moral equivalence between those who propagate hatred and those who have the courage to support it," he questioned. .


This was the key moment for Biden. Here's what he says: "I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any other I've seen in my life."

"We are in the battle for the soul of this nation, I believe that when we look into history, we will remember the four years of this president and all that he embraces as an abominable moment in history, but if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, will forever change the character of this nation. I can not sit on the sidelines and see that happen. "

For the former vice president of Obama, "all that has made the United States the United States is in danger".

Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign

Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign

"The United States is an idea stronger than any army, bigger than an ocean, more powerful than a tyrant or dictator, they give hope to the most desperate people of the planet and guarantee everyone a dignified treatment, "he said.

A few minutes after announcing his candidacy, the Democrat rose another day, intended for Latin American voters. "Today, I announce my candidacy for the presidency of the United States. We are the United States of America – and together we can not do anything. Join our campaign"he wrote.

The pre-announcement

Since the beginning of the year, the Biden team has studied to participate in this tight competition as a presidential candidate of the Democratic Party and for which 19 candidates have already been confirmed.

Sources consulted by CNN television said Biden had already scheduled its first demonstration in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Monday, which will continue on a route through the states of Iowa, South Carolina and New York. New Hampshire. They are the first to vote.

Look also

Biden was already running for president in 1988 and 2008, although he lost in both races and followed Obama in his two elections and mandates.

In 2015, before the last presidential election that had given Donald Trump victory, Biden refused to sign up to avoid competing with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton at the time.

The former Vice President of Obama is 76 years old and will run for president in 2020.

The former Vice President of Obama is 76 years old and will run for president in 2020.

A few weeks ago, the former vice president launched a controversy in which he had to promise to be more "respectful" and to take into account "the personal space" of the people, after being accused by four women of being inappropriately touched.

"Throughout my career, I have always tried to establish a human connection (with people), because I believe this is my responsibility." I hold my hands, I hold the people in my arms, I grab the men and women by the shoulders and I tell them, "You can get this," he said.


Source: agencies


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