A fourteen-year debt with childhood | The Bica …


Fourteen years after the adoption of the 26.061 law, Argentina defends the rights of children and adolescents. The bicameral Commission in charge of appointing appointed lawyer Marisa Graham as defendant and Juan Facundo Hernández and Fabián Repetto as their alternates and will now propose its approval to the rest of the legislators. Nominations must be approved by plenary sessions of both chambers by a simple majority.

The bicameral is composed entirely of women: the deputies Samanta Acerenza (Pro), Carla Carrizo (radical evolution), Soledad Carrizo (UCR / Change), Verónica Mercado (FpV) and María Florencia Peñaloza Marianetti (We are San Juan). And for the Senate, it is composed of Gladys González (Front Pro), Pamela Verasay (UCR / Change), Norma Durango (Justice Party La Pampa), Sigrid Kunath (Justicialista) and Anabel Fernández Sagasti (FpV).

Marisa Graham was head of the National Directorate for the Promotion and Integral Protection of the Child, Youth and Family Secretariat, a long-time human rights advocate, particularly of children, and worked as legislative advisor to the Chamber of Deputies and the Human Rights Treaty Commission within the Constituent Commission of 1994. Juan Facundo Hernández is a lawyer and founding partner of the Children's Rights and teenagers. And Fabián Repetto is a political scientist and senior researcher at the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies for Equity and Growth.

In her gratitude for her appointment, Ms. Graham pointed out that an emotion similar to that felt at the time was one that had been provoked in 1994 during the constitutional reform, with the approval of the paragraph 22 of Article 75, which conferred constitutional status on the Constitution. to 25 human rights treaties. And, after expressing her pride at being chosen and chosen by ten women, she thanked the trust given to a "team of people I have known for a long time".

The president of Bicameral, Macedonian MP Samanta Acerenza, affirmed that Graham's appointment was made "unanimously", after which she declared that, as she had appointed the head of the office of the mediator, "l & rsquo; "Story was made". He also stressed that "we have privileged the values ​​of dialogue and respect between the political forces", after which he asked the other candidates to "collaborate and collaborate with the bicameral and the mediator".

Luisa Brumana, UNICEF Representative for Argentina, approved the nomination and offered the three appointees the support and collaboration of the body she leads. And he defined the task of senior officials of the ombudsman's office as "necessary but very difficult". He also spoke of the difficulties that new members will have to face before the lawyer Gabriel Castelli, current head of the National Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and the Family.

The figure of the defender was created in 2005 by Law No. 26061, in order to protect rights, to highlight the problems of children and to give priority to their defense in the public policy agenda. The law provides for a ninety-day mandate (it took twelve years to complete the bicameral and then two years of work) to name it and establish that the selection and designation correspond to the Congress. The current competition has a validity of 180 days, in which it is excluded that the plenary session of both chambers approves the nominations.

Children in Debt, a coalition of fourteen child rights organizations, said in a statement "Celebrate the completion of the contest process and ask all political forces for the responsibility and promptness needed to complete the nomination process. " And he points out, in another paragraph: "The Congress as a whole has the constitutional, legal and political obligation to settle a shameful debt to Argentine children and the historic opportunity to demonstrate a sincere commitment to children and the adolescents of our country, in a context of profound violation of their rights ".

The end of the long process by which Bicameral appointed the head of the mediator and the two deputies came just for the World Day Against Child Abuse.


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