A boy planted a knife in the skull of his 5 year old friend and was miraculously saved – 25/04/2019


An 8 year old boy he threw a kitchen knife to 5 others, while playing in the home of the largest located in Sonora, Mexico. As the weapon was encrusted in the child's head, it had to be transferred to a hospital in Baja California.

It all happened around the age of 15, when Gabriela (33) was handed over to her son and a friend, Ivan. The 8-year-old boy threw the knife at him and caused the injury on the left side of the skull.

The minor was transferred to Baja California (Twitter @opinion_sonora).

The minor was transferred to Baja California (Twitter @opinion_sonora).

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He was immediately transferred to hospital on December 5 from the ISSSTE in Mexicali, where he spent several x-rays. The doctors decided that the child had suffered a perforated wound in the parietal cranial area. The wound had a depth of almost 4 centimeterswho puts his life in danger.

Ivan was operated on to remove the object and his father, identified by local media as Sunday "N", said that he would not sue the woman.

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The victim is already out of danger after intervening and the forecasts are encouraging. We expect that it can be released in the next few days.

Another minor accident occurred in mid-April this year. Millie Drew Kelly, a 6-year-old girl, died after her 4-year-old brother shot her in the head by accident in Georgia, in the southern United States.

Millie Drew Kelly died after her brother shot her by accident (Twitter @Courtney Redding Kelly).

Millie Drew Kelly died after her brother shot her by accident (Twitter @Courtney Redding Kelly).

The prosecutor's office indicated that it would not make any charges in this case and claimed that the "accidents happen" and "bad things happen to the right people too." For their part, the detectives in charge of the case said that the two children were inside the family car parked in the garage.

His parents were carrying everything they would need for the outing that they had planned. When they wanted to put the vehicle on the mark and that they realized that it was not going away, they both went to check what had happened. Moments later, they heard the shot.

The detectives determined that the four-year-old younger brother had taken a firearm that the parents had in the car and shot accidentally. The bullet touched her sister's head, the fatally wounding.

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