He made a well to spy on his ex and found himself trapped | Chronic


A 50-year-old man took the trouble to dig a well to spy on his former partner, with whom he had a relationship for 10 years. But something went wrong and he was trapped to the point that it was the woman who located him and called the authorities to rescue him in the middle of a strong dehydration.

The troubling fact happened in Mexico when Griselda S., began to hear strange noises coming from the back of your house. However, they did not attach importance to believing that they could be stray cats or dogs.

But this Wednesday morning, the woman heard lamentations of help and discovered earth, shovels, two knives and a bottle of empty water. Thus, approaching, she succeeds in identifying her former partner. César Arnoldo G. by the voice. He immediately asked for help.

As reported by local news TelemaxThe Volunteer Fire Department arrived at the woman's home and saved the man who was severely dehydrated, intoxicated and weak. Despite the seriousness of the photo, he was saved always safe before dying suffocated.

As reported by the woman, Cesar and she had been a couple for 14 years. However, they were already separated but he suspected Griselda of forming a new relationship. He decided to spy on her. "You are the greatest thing in my life, I will never stop loving you", wrote the man on Griselda's Facebook, even though it was far from being a message of love, it was for her a threat, as it ensured her to undergo constant abuse in his family.

The woman told the authorities that she had decided to part with him because he was very jealous and constantly claimed him while presenting episodes of violence.


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