What did Macri say about the dollar at 47 pesos and what did he pass on to his team?


The head of state and most ministers have deliberated on the impact of the exchange pressure recorded in recent days

The government closes Friday another difficult week, marked by a new devaluation of the peso and increased mistrust of foreign investors about Argentina

In this unfavorable context, President Mauricio Macri gathered "his troop" in Olivos to take stock of the situation and ask what will be the strategy and the official attitude of now in more.

The meeting was essential not only to badess the last few days, but also because dollar and country risks are still at the center of a roller coaster that would continue next week.

According to what appeared, One of the first questions the president asked his ministers was the continuity of the cabinet..

"I want to tell you that there will be no change in cabinet, as has been announced in some media," said Macri, who is betting on continuity to deal with the storm.

Indeed, this Thursday, after another day of great financial instability, the head of state had ratified his candidacy for presidential reelection. This, in front of those who use the "Plan V" (of Maria Eugenia Vidal) as exit of the eventual crisis of Cambiemos.

"We will continue and we must bring tranquility to the people in the midst of the shaking of the marketsMacri offered to his ministers.

Regarding the alarm triggered by the dollar's movements, the president said that "we have to get used to living with volatility".

"We have to do our job the best we can, if they see us calm down, it will start to change, this madness will change, thereby generating tranquility," said Macri.

Macri gave these definitions of the economic situation at the beginning of his speech, then the Council of Ministers followed the usual way, in which the ministers comment on the evolution of the different plans or measures in their respective fields.

For example, Security Minister Patricia Bullrich presented the plan for the single database against feminicides, while her transport couple, Guillermo Dietrich, spoke about connectivity projects and work on routes that will be inaugurated shortly.

All ministers attended the meeting, with the exception of Minister of Finance Nicolás Dujovne, who was in Brazil, and Minister of the Interior Rogelio Frigerio.who was in Jujuy.

After the meeting in Olivos Macri received the US Senator, Rick Scott, with whom he spoke about the current political situation in Argentina. The Florida representative is a close ally of President Donald Trump.

Bullrich asked "peace and quiet"

Before the meeting, the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, asked for "peace and quiet" before the "nervousness" of the last days and stated that "99.9% of people do not buy bonds and do not know Wall Street markets".

Bullrich badured that the government will continue with "the basic decision" to go with the "leader of Cambiemos"President Mauricio Macri to "this position of calm and tranquility".

In addition, he stated that "99.9% of Argentines do not live on Wall Street, nor on these links", why he considered that "we had to be calm to reduce inflation, to calm prices", and considered that "it is the way and the decision" adopted by the government.

The official also said that "the markets and this nervousness do not correspond to the current stages and the capabilities that Argentina has manipulate the dollar in a predetermined band ".

Bullrich insisted that the government asks "the peace and quiet" for "that these markets do not change the decision of the Argentine people to get out of eternal inflation"

The minister said so at a press conference held at the central department of the federal police, before moving to Olivos Residence attend the Cabinet meeting convened by the President to badess the magnitude of the market crisis and its impact on the day-to-day economy.

"We have to be able to get out of this situation to be calm because Argentina's base this month, we had a primary budget surplus, is very important, we have signals from the platform of the base of the economy very important for the future of Argentina, "said the manager.

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