Pichetto tells from Wall Street how investors see Argentina


According to the leader of the group of Peronist Senators, the government has bad practice and it is something that President Macri did not recognize in his message.

During his tour in the United States, the leader of the group of Peronist Senators, Miguel Angel Pichetto, warned that there was a "malpractice" in the government's actions and that there was a "worry" in this country with regard to the situation that Argentina is experiencing

"I found them worried about what is happening now, but even more of the future. They wonder what can happen with a change of government, with the bonds, with the agreement with the IMFsaid the legislator in On Line Politics.

According to his vision of the task accomplished by the government, the presidential candidate of Federal Alternative said that "we have bad practices" and that is what "President Macri did not recognize" in his message.

"The latest price controls have resulted in a seven-point drop for publicly traded companies," he said.

On the possibility of the return of Cristina Fernandez to the presidency, the presidential candidate of Alternative Federal said that "they mentioned the germano survey that speaks in a voting scenario of the triumph of the former president. But I did not give him an entity, because it is now unpredictable to draw these projections. We still do not know who will participate in this second round and we have at least 20% undecided."

In previous days, the same country had been referring to the IMF, stating that the payment of the debt "Argentina would meet its obligations". "Argentina is not dead, it will fulfill its obligations and it has a future by developing a strategic sector such as oil, gas and mining, strengthening the field and others sectors generating real currency for the country, "said Pichetto.

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