Oro and me: he had a heart attack in the Himalayas and his faithful dog helped him to return to the mountains – 27/04/2019


The mountain guide Ignacio "Nacho" Lucero (45 years old) had a heart attack and a stroke while he was 38 years old and an altitude of 7,400 meters, during an expedition to Manaslu, the "mountain of the spirit", in the Himalayas. It took him several years to find his language, walk normally and return to work.

Find in Oro, his bastard dog, an inseparable companion to return to realize his dream"The movement and the game were fundamental," said the athlete who will embark on a new 40-day adventure in Pakistan to a 8,000 meters high.

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Lucero had arrived in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, Asia, in early September 2011, to launch an expedition to Mount Manaslu. October 11 had heart attack almost at the top of the mountainphysically required by the lack of oxygen.

He descended by controlling his steps to survive: "I took seven steps and rested, I did seven more and I rested again," he recalls. He was operated on in Kathmandu, where he had placed a stent four days after the infarction. He stayed in Nepal for 20 days until he returned to Mendoza, where his house is located.

Together Oro is 9 years old. One day he appeared alone at the door of his house. And Nacho has trained him to help him.

Together Oro is 9 years old. One day he appeared alone at the door of his house. And Nacho has trained him to help him.

Two years later, with professional and emotional help, he started going out. He resumed his profession of mountain guide and taught language and literature. "I was about to enter the list of heart transplants, but I did not fall. I have had a lot of people who have helped me, a very good social work (that of a public university), a faithful dog who is my badistant, and I went back to the school. climbing mountains, "he says.

In June of this year, he will go with his badistant dog in the Himalayas. They will travel to Pakistan to climb the so-called "mountain of light", Gashembrung II, 8,035 meters and one of the 14 highest peaks in the world.

The view from the Gashembrung II

At the time of the heart attack, Nacho had reached 39 highs. After his illness, he thought that he could no longer try. And that's when Oro appeared, his dog is 9 years old and has been trained to help. The dog roamed the street and appeared one day at the door of his home in the city of El Challao, at the foot of Mendoza.

"A neighbor asked me if I had a dog because, for a month, I saw Oro in the door of my houseLucero said.

Gradually, the dog became confident with his new owner and began to organize activities, games and to respond to the stimuli of Nacho's training. "When I saw it ready to climb, we started looking for boots, lenses and special crampons and developed an animal protection protocol (with the help of veterinarian Jennifer Ibarra). ) to ride together, "he explains.

Part of the family Gold, in the daily family, in Mendoza.

Part of the family Gold, in the daily family, in Mendoza.

Oro is a special dog. He walks or runs with Ignacio when he is cycling, skating or skiing. "He pushes me and uses his strength to move forward. We are linked, thanks to the dog, I was able to go back to work in Aconcagua"He explains.

Oro also tells his owner when he should take one of the seven tablets of his usual medication: "He puts his paw on me and it tells me that it's time to take the pill"He says.

And he explains that when they go to the mountains, the dog he marks the way with his tracks, he guides him when the night is over and he warns him when a storm comes"Raise your ears in danger," says the owner.

The dog has his own equipment and travels with Ignacio in the cabin of the plane, at his feet or under his seat, when it is a low cost flight. His contribution is so important that the trip to Pakistan is possible thanks to a sponsor, the brand Björnsoon, which supplies all the equipment of Gold on the mountain: from his snow boots to the sleeping bag for dogs.

When he talks about his recovery, Nacho says the key was movement and play. "I decided to use training strategies for the heart but also for the head. had a huge network of health professionals who helped me, my family, my friends, the university, my ex-partners, all contributed to my healing, "he said. And he gets angry remembering that he did not have the money to get surgery because his travel insurance did not cover the operation, but the solidarity of the people – many anonymous – from the international collection that his family had created saved him.

The news of Nacho's heart attack

"My picture was a depression, but I did not fall", he says. The mountain has always been the scene of his life and he has succeeded in rearming his company Andes & More, where he is responsible for the strategy and logistics of the climbs of Aconcagua, with the aim of making the mountain more accessible for those who want to climb.

However, he says that something has changed in his design of the mountain: "Everyone can be encouraged to climb, the important thing is to be aware of the rest". And he reveals that before he no longer demanded and did not know how to plan the rest.

His return to Argentina

When he has to explain what the challenge is to return to the Himalayas, Ignacio admits that "first of all, there is fear," but then he thinks: "The mountain hurt me, but she gave me all the tools to recover"

Nacho is single and currently enjoys support from her mother (her father is deceased), four brothers, four nephews and another who arrives. He wants to thank and show those who helped him in his most dramatic time that he can leave. "Life does not end with an illness at 40, 50 or when you retire." In his house in Mendoza, kissed by his dog Oro, who follows him in the sun and in the shade, he declares: "I am alive because after having lost everything, I was able to ask of help and, with a little more effort, I have achieved my goals ".

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