Lula spoke about the elections in Argentina | "I am …


In the first report he was allowed to give since his imprisonment, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, former president of Brazil, had found the moment to refer to Argentine politics. He added that if former president and current Senator Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner stood as a candidate and won the presidential elections in October, "the Argentine people would be happier".

"I inflate for Cristina to be a candidate and win the elections, I believe that if the Argentine people win, he will be happier," he said in an interview with Curitiba prison, where he has been arrested since April 7, 2018, at a time when the leader of the Workers' Party was becoming the favorite to win the presidential elections.

"I lived with President Kirchner and Cristina and they were very good for the Argentine people," he said during a conversation of more than two hours with the Spanish newspaper El País and Folha de San Pablo, in which he also spoke about the government of Jair Bolsonaro, the accusations he faces, his place in the history of Brazil and the death of his grandson.

He also pointed out that Néstor and Cristina Kirchner "have generated the hatred of the elites, who are the same as those who supported former Minister (Domingo) Cavallo, who thought that the United States would help them take their off. "

"Neoliberalism does not work anywhere on the planet Earth, the recipe for fiscal adjustment does not work." Do you want to reduce Brazil's deficit? You need to increase the growth of the economy , produce more and the deficit will decline, "concluded the former president who, this week, the Superior Court of Brazil has reduced his sentence and lifted the ban on giving prison talks.


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