Video: A merchant fired at the thief who came in to steal his business – 29/04/2019


A 47-year-old merchant killed the thief who entered to steal his business Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The traumatic event occurred on Friday, April 26, when the owner and her husband were arrested by a criminal. The thief entered the company with a 38 caliber revolver and reduced the man, who had to throw himself to the ground.

The woman who was in the box took out a 380 caliber pistol and shot at the criminal in the back. At that time, the owner's husband managed to carry the weapon to the thief, who was lying on the floor.

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The offender was transferred to the Vila Nova hospital, but he died. Brazilian military police He detached from the fact the woman who killed the thief. "The owner used the weapon in legitimate defense stop the aggression. He is allowed to carry the weapon in the commercial establishment, "Nicolás Vasconcelo, a lieutenant of the prime minister, told reporters.

"The life of the badaulted person must be above all the rest," added the police chief. The 29-year-old offender had a criminal record.

The criminal, wearing a cap, enters the Brazilian trade.

The criminal, wearing a cap, enters the Brazilian trade.

In early April, Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro called for tougher action against crime. "The police must solve the problem of crime and if it kills 10, 15 or 20 (criminals), with 10 or 30 shots in each, an agent must be decorated and untreated," he said.


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