Reactions in the world after the new escalation of tension in Venezuela – 30/04/2019


The new escalation of tension in Venezuela, with Juan Guaidó's call for an "uprising" against Nicolás Maduro's regime and the release of opposition leader, Leopoldo López, provoked the first reactions to the world .

The United States, through the intermediary of their state secretary, Mike Pompeo, approved the new offensive against the Chavez regime, while the European Union and Spain pleaded for a peaceful solution to the situation. Cuba and Bolivia, on the other hand, condemned what they called an "attempted coup d'etat".

"The acting president, Juan Guaido, has announced the beginning of the freedom operation, and the US government fully supports the Venezuelan people in their quest for freedom and democracy." Democracy can not be defeated. your Twitter account.

The acting president, Juan Guaido, announced today the launch of the Libertad operation. The United States The government fully supports the Venezuelan people in their quest for freedom and democracy. Democracy can not be defeated. #We are united

– Pompeo Secretary (@SecPompeo) April 30, 2019

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"We follow the events on the ground," said at a press conference the spokesperson of the High Representative of the European Union for Common Foreign and Security Policy. Maja Kocijancic

The spokeswoman reiterated the bloc's "support" to "a political and peaceful solution to the crisis in Venezuela ", something that "must ultimately" be achieved "through free and fair elections" and recalled that it was the long standing position of the EU.

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"Contacts are continuing between the Member States and the European institutions, including the Commission and the Parliament", he said, while avoiding to grasp the consequences of this action. "The situation is developing now. I can not go into the comments without having all the facts, "he said.

For his part, the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, considered that the release of Leopoldo López "marks a historic moment for the return to democracy and freedom in Venezuela ". "The release of the Sakharov Prize by Leopoldo López for the military, in accordance with the constitutional order, is good news … Come on, free Venezuela!" Said the President of the European Parliament on Twitter.

Today & # 39; hui # 30abrmarks a historic moment for the return to democracy and freedom in Venezuela, which the European Parliament has always supported. The release of the Sakharov Prize @leopoldolopez by military to the order of the Constitution, is good news. Let's go free in Venezuela!

– Antonio Tajani (@EP_President) April 30, 2019

The British government, one of the first in Europe, recognized in February Juan Guaidó as "Acting Constitutional President" Venezuela, called for a "peaceful resolution".

"We have made it clear that the United Kingdom, together with its international partners, recognizes Juan Guaidó as the interim constitutional president of Venezuela until credible presidential elections can be held," a spokesman said. Premier's speech, Theresa May.

"Our goal is the peaceful resolution of the crisis and theto the restoration of Venezuelan democracy. The Venezuelan people deserve a better future. He has suffered enough and the Maduro diet has to stop, "he added.

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In addition, the government of Spain called to avoid "a bloodbath"in Venezuela." We hope with all our strength that there will be no bloodshed. We support a peaceful democratic process in Venezuela. We are betting on the immediate holding of elections for the election of a new president, "he said. Isabel Celáa, spokesman of the socialist government of Pedro Sánchez.

Meanwhile, the President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, condemned the "blow movement"who" intends to fill Venezuela with violence "The traitors who have been at the forefront of this subversive movement have used troops and policemen armed with weapons of war on a public road of the city to create anxiety and terror, "denounced the Cuban president, ally of Nicolás Maduro, on his Twitter account.

We reject this coup d'etat movement that aims to fill the country with violence. The traitors who placed themselves at the forefront of this subversive movement used troops and policemen armed with weapons of war on a public street in the city to create anguish and terror #SomosCuba

– Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez (@DiazCanelB) April 30, 2019

Another who expressed his support for Maduro was the president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, another of Venezuela's allies in the region. "We strongly condemn the attempted coup d'etat in Venezuela, by the right subjected to foreign interests," he wrote on his Twitter account.

He also badured that he was "sure that the brave Bolivarian revolution at the head of the brother @NicolasMaduro will be imposed on this new attack of the empire", as he usually does in several speeches in the USA.

We strongly condemn the attempted coup d'état of # Venezuelaon the part of the law subject to foreign interests. Of course the brave Bolivarian revolution at the head of the brother @NicolasMadurowill be imposed on this new attack of the empire.

– Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) April 30, 2019

"We call on the governments of AméricaLatina to condemn the coup d'état to #Venezuela and to prevent violence from taking the lives of innocent victims." It would be a disastrous precedent to let the coup go. State in the process of invading the region. " hit, "he added.

One of the Governments of Latin America who spoke was from Colombia and began to make contacts with a view to convening an emergency meeting of the Lima Group to discuss developments in the past. Venezuela after the liberation of Leopoldo López call to the mobilization of Juan Guaidó.

Colombian Foreign Minister Carlos Holmes Trujillo called on all the Lima Group countries to maintain their support "the return of democracy and freedom in Venezuela ".

The minister explained on Twitter that, "on instructions" from President Iván Duque, contacts with other countries have started to convene an urgent meeting "in order to continue to support a decisive return of democracy and of freedom in Venezuela ".

For his part, the President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, reiterated his "support" to Juan Guaidó and warned that "the dictatorship of Maduro must end with a peaceful force and as part of the constitution of the Venezuelan people".

We reiterate our full support for Pdte Guaido and democracy in The dictatorship of Maduro must end with peaceful force and, in the constitution, the Venezuelan people. This will restore freedoms, democracy, human rights and progress in # Venezuela.

– Sebastian Piñera (@sebastianpinera) April 30, 2019

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