He filmed the ghost of his great-grandmother stroking his son | Chronic


Kerri Waterworth, a 29-year-old mother who lives in the English city of Lancashire, said that, thanks to a baby monitor, the presumed ghost of the 90-year-old deceased grandmother of her son, who, according to her version , appears the baby while he slept in his room.

While re-reading the recordings, he noticed that a transparent form appeared in the video in a curious circular motion.

"At first, the first thing I thought was that it was a spider's web or a spider. So I rushed in my son's room because I hate spiders, but when I came back I did not find anything. " They were in front of the camera and around the camera, but there was absolutely nothing there "he badured Kerri Waterworth.

In detailing the image, he noticed that the transparent shape corresponded to something similar to a spectral arm that seemed to caress the leg, belly and upper part of Ellis' head for five months, before disappear.

Kerri immediately attributed the presumed presence to the ghost of Ellis's parent, Elizabeth "Peggy" Gooch, 90 years old, who was very close to the pibito before dying in 2016 due to physical complications of his age.


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