For Maduro, "a small group that tried to fill with violence" was defeated by Venezuela


Maduro also denied US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who announced his intention to flee to Cuba at the time of the uprising. "Where goes the lack of seriousness, madness, madness, lies, manipulation" said the president

Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, proclaimed Tuesday the "defeat" of a military uprising against him, which he described as "skirmish of the coup style", and warned that "criminal charges" were being prepared against the perpetrators.

At his first appearance since the uprising in favor of the opposition Juan Guaidó, Maduro commended the armed forces for "defeating the small group that tried to fill Venezuela with violence" during the coup. "

According to the president, five soldiers and three policemen were shot and wounded during clashes.

In a speech broadcast on radio and television, Maduro – accompanied by Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino, the high command of the armed forces and government officials – warned that there would be criminal prosecution against the leaders of the uprising and the military involved.

"This can not go unpunished, I have spoken with the Attorney General (Tarek William Saab), has appointed three prosecutors (…) who are already questioning all involved" and "who are laying charges in criminal cases for serious crimes against the Constitution, the rule of law and the right to peace, "he said.

The Socialist leader said the insurgents were looking for "a tragedy", with "50, 100 or 200 dead"; but that the loyal forces could control the situation.

"All the military bases were in a state of alert, absolutely faithful to the revolution, to the commander-in-chief and to the Constitution," he said.

Maduro also denied US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who announced his intention to flee to Cuba at the time of the uprising.

"Where are the lack of seriousness, madness, madness, lies, manipulation?" Mike Pompeo said that (…) Maduro had a plane on fire to go to Cuba, to flee, and that the Russians had sent down and they forbade him to leave the country, Mr. Pompeo, what lack serious, "he said.


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