Footprints of the Yeti in the Himalayas | The army of …


The Army of India gave a news that shocked the networks: the discovery of footprints in the Himalayas that would be the Yeti, the mythical animal that would live in the region since time immemorial. "For the first time, an Indian army expedition team in the mountains located the mysterious tracks of the mythical beast" Yeti ", measuring 81 cm by 38 cm on April 9 2019, near the base camp of Makalu ", announced the army. Asian country via Twitter.

The tweet contains three photos of Mount Makalu that show the tracks in the snow and that the Army attributes to the Yeti, also known as the "abominable snowman". According to the ADG PI (acronym of the Indian Army), the Yeti would have already been seen in this same region "in the past".


Another of the images that have been posted on Twitter from Mount Makalu.

A military source stated that such numbers had never been recorded. Traces in the snow were discovered by a group of soldiers who started a month ago to climb Mount Makalu which, with its 8485 meters, is the fifth highest in the world. At a height of 4,000 meters, they found the tracks. In addition to the photos, they made videos and deliver the material when they returned from the mountain in two weeks.

The news has gone around the world and generated innumerable comments on social networks. There are hilarious comments, there are those who support the theory that they are traces of the Yeti and there are some that speak of a montage. Until now, there has never been any evidence of the existence of the Yeti, despite the immemorial legend that speaks of its presence in the Himalayas.


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