Gerardo Romano, taken with a Venezuelan: "The only thing missing is that they consider Argentina as immigrants"


Gerardo Romano was invited by Two voices discuss the situation that is going through Venezuela, but the actor wanted to be respectful and not give too much opinion for do not hurt the feelings, especially those of Venezuelans present in the study. However, one of them interrupted while talking and all He finally screamed.

"The only thing missing is that you think of Argentina being immigrants. You talk about Venezuela, I'm talking about Argentina, "exclaimed the actor, one of the Venezuelans who participated in the platform of the program.

The discussion began when Romano criticized the role of the municipal police during protests that took place Tuesday at the Venezuelan embbady for and against Nicolás Maduro's government.

"We should not distract ourselves from what's happening, from what happened here, from what's happening in Venezuela, there was an area that was transferred to the embbady and to the police He shot a boy in the head who exercised the right to support non-interference (from the United States) and was interned, "said Romano, was interrupted by screaming who accused him of lying and not being in the scene.

"What's wrong? I saw it on TV," he replied. He added: "I did not talk about Venezuela, I'm talking about what happened to a policeman and a protester from my country." In addition, he badured that he do not support Maduro. "I do not know him," he says.

Prior to this pbadage, while the program was just beginning, Romano had declared that it was "hard to say for an Argentinian because there are all those Latin American brothers who are experiencing a painful exile ". "It can be irritating for them that I think about the internal situation of their country, "he said.

Later, the actor stated that "it is a grave mistake for the president to involve himself in the politics of another country". And, from there, he gave his opinion on the current situation in Argentina. He first condemned: "Macri is totalitarianism"And then he asked that I wish"Cristina becomes president againbecause people are desperate. "

"They put into practice Cristina's measures that they criticized themselves, the Macri government is terrible, it leaves a lot to be desired and it is superb because it does not call it, it does not. do not open the game, "he said. And to close, he recommended to Mirtha Legrand "to read Cristina's book, Sincerely"Cristina is not like she painted," he said about the words of his last weekend.


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