27-year-old girl died in clashes in Venezuela


According to the NGO Obersvatorio Venezolano de Conflictividad Social, this death equates to "fifty-five times the number of demonstrators murdered" in the course of actions against the government of Nicolás Maduro since the beginning of the year .

CARACAS.- Demonstrations against the government of

Nicolás Maduro

According to human rights organizations and health services, riots cost the life of a young woman and dozens of wounded in Caracas, the day after a failed military uprising led by l & # 39; opposition.

Juan Guaidó


Jurubith Rausseo, 27, died overnight in a clinic after receiving a "shot in the head during a protest," reported the NGO Observatorio Venezolano de Conflictividad Social on Twitter. The young woman was injured in Altamira, near the military air base at La Carlota, where a group of soldiers yesterday revolted against Maduro.

"We condemn the murder of the young Jurubith Rausseo García (27 years old) because of a bullet in the head during a protest in Altamira (Caracas)," said the NGO on his Twitter account , according to EFE. According to this NGO, with this death, "the number of murdered protesters" has risen to fifty-five in actions against the government of Nicolás Maduro since the beginning of the year.

Meanwhile, the president in charge of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, said on Twitter that he was committed to making the death of the woman in a clinic in Caracas "despite those who decided to shoot "today against the protesters.

I promise to kill in the operating room of Jurubith Rausseo, only 27 years old, despite those who decided to shoot a People who decided to be free. This must stop and the murderers will have to take charge of their crimes. I will put my life this way. & – Juan Guaidó (@jguaido)
May 2, 2019

"This must stop and the murderers will have to take charge of their crimes, I will put my life this way," added Guaidó. According to the Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional, the dead young woman was in El Ávila Avenue in Altamira Sur, Chacao, after being wounded by a bullet in the head, allegedly shot by National Guard agents. Bolivarian, according to the deputy of the National Assembly, José Guerre.

"Here is the blood that a young woman shot in the head when a National Guard pulled her from the green wall on the picture of about 30 meters on Avila Avenue in Altamira Sur, General Vladimir Padrino punishes this murderer, "published Guerra on Twitter accompanied by the image of a pool of blood where the young woman fell.

This young woman was murdered in front of my house at 18:45. I saw when she was injured on a motorcycle. Neighbors who saw the facts told me that a National Guard had shot him about thirty meters away. Av Del Alta Avila Altamira. General
@vladimirpadrino order to investigate
https://t.co/Hw3VtqCNf1&- Jose Guerra (@JoseAGuerra)
May 2, 2019

Samuel Enrique Méndez, 24, died yesterday during protests that erupted in the state of Aragua (center) as a result of Guaidó's attempt to wage a civil-military uprising, reported NGO Provea, who did not specify the causes of the incident. the death.

Despite calls from the opposition and the international community, senior military commanders have remained aligned with Maduro so far, and the National Guard has been deployed at points in Caracas and other cities.

AFP and Telam agencies


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