They evacuated nearly one million people in India before the arrival of a cyclone


Nearly 800,000 people were evacuated in the coastal districts of eastern India before the expected arrival of Cyclone Fani. with winds of 200 km / h, informed local authorities on Thursday. The hurricane will reach the lands Friday afternoon near the holy city of Puri, in Hinduism.

A state administration official said some 780,000 people from at least 13 districts of Odisha state had been driven into shelters overnight. Authorities allowed 1000 shelters in schools and official dependencies with the idea of ​​housing more than a million people.

Thursday, this hurricane which, according to forecasts, will be the strongest to hit East India in two decadesit breed in Bay of Bengal, about 250 kilometers from the coast, and was advancing slowly but forcefully to the west.

Several people are watching the swell on the coast of Puri district, east of India, this Thursday, before the arrival of cyclone Fani. Photo: EFE.
Several people are watching the swell on the coast of Puri district, east of India, this Thursday, before the arrival of cyclone Fani. Photo: EFE.

Forecasts indicate that the cyclone will be accompanied by sustained winds of 180-190 km / h, with bursts of up to 200 km / h, equivalent in strength to Hurricane category 3 to 4.

It is planned to touch the earth near the sacred city of Puri, a major tourist center that attracts millions of visitors every year.

According to a statement from the Indian Railways, more than 100 trains have been canceled in the last 48 hours. Three special trains left Puri to evacuate pilgrims and tourists.

Fishermen place their boats safely on the Puri Coast. Photo: AFP.
Fishermen place their boats safely on the Puri Coast. Photo: AFP.

Authorities have asked tourists to leave the coastal areas and avoid unnecessary travel.

The city of Puri is known for its tempos. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
The city of Puri is known for its tempos. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

"They are expected heavy rains in all coastal districts amid fears of flash floods. We are all ready for the challenge, "they said.

The tides could rise 1.5 meters and coastal states neighboring Andhra Pradesh, with 50 million inhabitants, and Tamil Nadu, with 70, were put on alert.

The Indian coast is often hit by cyclones, one of the last last October, the "very severe" Titli, which killed about 60 people while crossing the state of Odisha.


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