Catherine Fulop's unfortunate commentary on the Jews


Miter Radio Shows

May 2, 2019

The model compared the situation of Venezuela with the Nazi concentration camps and launched a strong accusation against part of the Hebrews who lived in the extermination areas.

A tank crosses the streets of Caracas and trains people as if they were ants. The situation in Venezuela is exasperating, it is obvious and the worst feelings of the exiles emerge, impotently expressing the drama lived in this country.

In this direction, Catherine Fulop He spoke of the abuses that took place last Tuesday and made an unfortunate comparison in which he implicated the Jews, to speak of the Venezuelans themselves, and thus explained how Nicolás Maduro does to resist power.

The emotion of Catherine Fulop in front of the situation in Venezuela: "I am far away but I am never absent"

"The images of Maduro's march are old, they do not exist, people do not support them anymore, they can not bring people together," said the Venezuelan model in a dialogue with Cada Mañana.

It is then that Fulop claimed that the situation in your country is a mirror of what was happening inside the German concentration camps, Hit Hit with Maduro and compared responsibility that the Jews had been detained in the extermination camps with a part of the Venezuelan people loyal to the regime.

There are already two dead in clashes in Venezuela

"Employees in the public sector are under threat and have all the leaders of all neighborhoods, who are the ones who will continue to dance on theirs," added the model.

"Why do you think Hitler survived because it's him alone who did it all? No, because among the Jews, they were the worst, the most torturous in the concentration camps. The toads were the Jews themselves who tortured their own people. The same thing happens in Venezuela", Fulop surprised.

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