In Venezuela, he was a lawyer, but in Rosario he works as a cadet.


A Venezuelan lawyer who came to occupy an important position at his country's Central Bank in Rosario works as a cadet. Take advantage of their visits to the city to offer their knowledge as a professional and try to improve their situation, which, beyond all difficulties, is much better than in Caracas.

Edgar Alberto Domínguez is 42 years old and expelled by the situation in his country, he decided to emigrate in 2017. He resigned from his agent position at the Central Bank of Venezuela, left his mother sick and took the plane to Argentina. His dream is to bring his mother and bring him the help he needs here.

"Behind this leaflet is a Venezuelan professional, a lawyer (…) who had to emigrate because of the terrible crisis (…) that my country is facing, leaving a toga, a family, a life in suspense "Dominguez wrote in a small newspaper that he was starting to distribute in the city every time he took an order.

He has two specializations in law and was one of the lawyers of the Central Bank of Venezuela, one of the most important public institutions of the country. However, his salary was $ 11 a month.

"I could not afford to live, I could not buy the basic drugs that my mother needed and I did not even dream of a luxury, like going to the movies, c & # 39; is something that you can not even think about – life is very expensive in Venezuela and you have to be measuring yourself all the time ", was counting on the clean focus of the Caribbean country.

He studied law at the Central University of Venezuela and at age 25 he started working at the Central Bank.

Every Saturday, he dedicated them to walk in the pharmacies of Caracas with the clear objective of obtaining the medicines that his mother needed.

"In Venezuela, the worst thing that can happen to you is getting sick, because there are no drugs or supplies in hospitals," he said. "Attendance at a public health center is a luxury, you do not realize it."

As in Venezuela he was a civil servant, he had certain "privileges".

"One of those privileges was the possibility of getting a bag of food (obviously paying for it) for which there was a queue of more than 12 hours, that was degrading ", he recalled during a conversation with La Capital.

The economic crisis has added to the economic crisis.

In his work, the ideological pressure became stronger and after 17 years, he could not stand it anymore. "You can not think differently of the Chavista regime, they forced you to go to marches and to indoctrination courses," said the professional.

"There comes a time when your ethics, your values ​​and your principles are being demolished, you realize you do not want it for your life, you want to be free and live in a democracy," he said. -he declares.

"You feel prisoner at home and all the circumstances that you see and live are causing you a lot of grief," acknowledged the lawyer, who was suffering from a deep depression. The disease was the trigger for thinking about emigrating and leaving your country.

He thought about it a lot because he did not like the idea of ​​leaving his mother alone, but he did not see any other way. In 2017, he gets on a plane and leaves everything: his country, his family, his work, his toga, his life.

"I was able to come to Argentina because I had friends who paid for my ticket, but in Venezuela, nobody agrees to buy a plane ticket," he said. said the lawyer who arrived in Buenos Aires, but preferred to settle in Rosario.

While she was starting the procedures to obtain citizenship, she began looking for a job and got a job at a dog grooming store. Shortly after, he got another job at a delivery company where he currently works. He started doing bike transfers, but a few months ago he had a motorcycle. "I'm not 20 anymore," he says.

Every day, he travels to the city to take orders in different places and takes the opportunity to give customers a small piece of paper explaining their situation.

One of the clients photographed the document and downloaded it onto the networks. Since then, he has not stopped receiving messages with different offers. Your WhatsApp is 341-3765123.


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