Guaidó reappears and calls for military barracks


Opposition leader Juan Guaidó reappeared yesterday in public after the failure of the uprising last Tuesday and today called for the main barracks in Venezuela, as part of the A new challenge launched to President Nicolás Maduro.

"Senior officers, middle officers, have spoken, there is discontent in the military family, new statements are coming, we are not asking for a coup d'etat, but we are defending the Constitution. a lot of disgruntled military, "said the president of the National Assembly at a press conference in Caracas, three days after the start of an ephemeral military uprising and twenty people in uniform.

Anti-Hats will attempt to present a petition to the army, in which he will urge the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) to "respect the Constitution" and ignore Maduro. "In a peaceful and civic manner, we will hand over a simple document, a proclamation to the armed forces to listen to Venezuela's call, according to which a rapid transition is possible to allow the holding of free elections," said the president of the National Assembly, recognized President in charge of Venezuela for half a hundred countries.

The strong crossing of Agustín Rossi and Alberto Fernández with Pichetto for Venezuela

The opposition leader said it would act as a "national mobilization for peace". "Continuing on the street is the only way to promote the constitutional performance of the armed forces and to demonstrate to those who still hold the dictator that there will be no stability as long as the usurpation will continue ", he added on his Twitter account.

The young MP's new challenge came on Tuesday after the uprising of a small group of soldiers in Caracas and the release order of Leopoldo López, his political mentor and leader of the Voluntad Popular. Although Guaidó badures that Maduro "does not control the armed forces", the generals reiterated their allegiance to the Bolivarian and the uprising did not succeed in expelling him from the Miraflores Palace. According to Amnesty International, Tuesday and Wednesday's demonstrations left four dead, 200 injured and 205 detainees.

guest By welcoming Leopoldo López into the residence of Spain's ambbadador, Madrid was more actively involved in the Venezuelan crisis. The leader of the opposition remains with his wife Lilian Tintori and his youngest daughter, Federica, as "guest" and did not ask for asylum, the government informed Pedro Sanchez and Lopez himself. After the arrest warrant issued Thursday by a court of Caracas, Madrid has shown firm: "In no case has it considered delivering Lopez to the Venezuelan authorities" and recalled the following: inviolability of the diplomatic residence.

The Venezuelan leader on Thursday offered a mbadive press conference in the gardens of the diplomatic residence, where he predicted more "movements" in the barracks, a statement that angered the Spanish government. "Spain will not allow its embbady to become a center of political activism," said Foreign Minister Josep Borrell, during a visit to Lebanon, announcing that it would regulate the activities of the Leader of the Opposition.

Photo Gallery: All images of the crisis in Venezuela

Lopez's stay at the residence is particularly uncomfortable not only for the bilateral connection between Spain and Venezuela, but also for President Sánchez, who won the general elections last Sunday, but has not yet started negotiations for the formation of a government. The diplomatic noise is even greater because of the candidacy of Leopoldo López Gil, father of the Venezuelan leader, to a seat in the European Parliament of the Popular Party (PP), the main opposition force in Sánchez.

Violence Maduro threatened Thursday the opposition: "We will cut off the head to whoever should be cut so that he can learn to respect our people". Yesterday, the answer came from Guaidó, who did not mention this sentence, but alluded to the danger of facing the Bolivarian leader. "We are all exposed to being imprisoned or killed, but we are here and we are showing our face for the country, we will not allow our children to live this way," he said.

"The Libertad operation is a success, so it allows the paramilitaries to fire on our youth," added the president in charge of Venezuela, referring to the killings of four people at this week's protests.

Trump called Putin

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, has been maintained yesterday for over an hour with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, on the situation in Venezuela, as well as on Ukraine, North Korea and a possible new "nuclear deal" "potentially including China. "The president reiterated the need for a peaceful transition to Venezuela," White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters.

The phone call took place as US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the White House National Security Advisor, John Bolton, went to the Pentagon to study possible military options for Venezuela.

Asked about it, Sanders reiterated that "all options are on the table" in the face of the political crisis in the South American country. "The president will do what is necessary," said Trump's spokeswoman.

In his interview with Putin, the US president made it clear that "the United States is on the side of the Venezuelan people," according to Sanders, who avoids criticizing Russia's actions in this country of South America. like other personalities of the White House. "The president has focused on the call to help the people of Venezuela to ensure that they receive the food and help they need," explained Sanders. The United States holds Russia and Cuba responsible for keeping Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro in power.

Trump and Putin also spoke of "new and prolonged nuclear agreements," and the possibility of one to three bands with China.


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