They discover a three-eyed snake in Australia


Studies have revealed that the animal saw through the three eyes. The third orbit probably developed when the snake was in an embryonic state, the Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife Commission explained on its website. Malformations are common among reptiles, he added.

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Facebook Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife

The snake, of the kind of carpet pythons, measured 40 centimeters and he was about three months old when he was found. He died after a month of captivity. "It is remarkable that he survived so long in the wild with this malformation, that he was struggling to feed himself before he died last week," said Ray Chatto, a park ranger at Northern Territory News. .

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Facebook Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife

The snake found a second life on the Internet when the Parks and Wildlife Commission posted its photos on Facebook. Netizens made comparisons with the three-eyed crow of the Game of Thrones series and clashed in puns to comment on the discovery.


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