Pinedo: Macri got the financing that Argentina did not need to collapse


He noted that in the financial market "the question is how to make a profit in a minute" and said: "They do not do a very sophisticated badysis of the political evolution and the state of public opinion within four months, decisions are made on other parameters."

"That's why the issue of agreements is important because they are important signals," he stressed.

"Argentina did not collapse because it had a president in 2016 with absolute clarity, then in 2018, when the credit was cut, it had a president who, because of the diplomacy that she developed and the support she received from the largest countries of Chile and Russia until the United States and England get the funding that Argentina does not need to collapse, "he said.

In statements to Radio Miter, Pinedo criticized: "The previous government left Argentina in a region in crisis because the central bank had $ 5 billion in reserves below zero."

"The Argentine currency being their reserves, if you remove all the reserves, you are on the verge of hyperinflation and disaster, equivalent to 2001," he said.

He insisted: "This is the situation in which we find ourselves and in which we are going."

"Argentina wants to be a serious and predictable country as it responds to", commented Pinedo, who evaluated:" The contemporary world is very complicated for all countries, it is not about Argentina ".

Finally, He also badured that the country "started a frank conversation phase" with the opposition.


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