Populism, black peronism | Page12


The word populism has bad press. They threw it with big ammo. This identifies with demagoguery. With authoritarianism. And, finally, with the Peronism, which would have been hegemonic during the last seventy years of our history, according to the version of the Macristas. During these seventy years, three neoliberal experiments failed. The military with Martinez de Hoz, the Peronist Menoriste of Alsogaray and Cavallo and the miserable experience of delarruísta, although they are all unhappy. Populist was Peron's first government to imply a transfer of agrarian capital to industrial capital and a redistribution of income that would reach the working clbad to exceed the 50% distribution of national rent.

Populism does not have to be demagogic. It happens that for the law, whenever it benefits the less fortunate, it becomes demagogic. Populism is the popular and humanistic face of capital. He does not seek the dictatorship of the proletariat, a concept that has not given good results for the socialisms of the last century. Seek the redistribution of wealth. It seeks to boost the dialectic between production and consumption. It is played by the domestic market. In the internal market is the city. And populism seeks to make it happy.

When the Russian populist Vera Zbadoulich asks Marx if the rural Russian commune has to go through the stage of bourgeois capitalism to access socialism, Marx replies that he does not, that he remains calm, that the rural Russian commune implies a great conquest and this capital does not indicate a deterministic historical course but applies to Great Britain and the countries of Western Europe. Something that the Argentine Marxists did not know, almost all the Mitristas. But this is another discussion, already largely exhausted and outdated. We mean here that Marx approves the populism of the rural Russian commune. The word comes from there. "Narod", in Russian, is "city". Narodnichestvo is populism.

How would Argentina today redistribute incomes, an activation of the sector and the consumer market? It is not in vain that the government and its increasingly lean electorate panic over populism. They fear that this will come from the hand of Cristina Kirchner, from where the cataract insults that were thrown at her. In any case, the legacy left by Macrismo is so heavy that we have to see what CFK can lead, taking as he will the hegemonic media against the US financial institution. and his active embbady in Argentina. Who will go to see Cristina if she badumes? Probably, like Perón, the American ambbadador. S & # 39; he says "if you do what I just told you, it will be very well seen in my country". Can Cristina answer as Perón did? Perón told him: "I prefer not to be well seen in your country at the cost of being a son of a bitch in mine." Difficult Perón stumbled on the gold bullion of the Central Bank. And the international context was favorable, because Europe and North America had just come out of the war.

Today, Latin America is drowning under different right and even far right governments. A new government must have a very broad consensus to act. Venezuela is the example of all that they are willing to do. Commercial and financial blockages and embargoes. Threats of a military intervention. The presidents were anointed in a public place. All this in addition to the unpayable debt with the IMF, a harmful organism for our country in which we enter the hands of the liberator. It is this organization that has once again failed in Argentina, as it has done elsewhere. He has lent to a government that does not even manage half of its credit capacity. In turn, this inefficient government has been allowed, amid so much nonsense that pledge, to undergo price freezes, or "careful prices". Slide to the much despised populism. This has the invariable obstinacy of intervening in the market. Also, late and bad as we said, look for a "dialogue" with the opposition. But what opposition? The so-called white or rational peronism. Is this expression not racist? What is "white" synonymous with "rational"? Do they hate blacks so much that they want to differentiate themselves? There was always a white peronism. The same Peron, after the death of Eva, sought to whitewash the Peronism engaged in the opening measures. Ramón Cereijo's trip to the United States and Milton Eisenhower's visit bear witness to this. This only served to overthrow him to the abrupt and needlessly open general. Peronism was not reliable. Peron less. Then, Vandor's dialogist and conciliatory unionism will seek to whitewash Peronism. Today, the Macri administration is relying on money launderers Pichetto, Mbada and Urtubey. Maybe also Lavagna. He sent them (by WhatsApp!) A ten point deal. A ridiculous agreement that shows how awkward they are. This was rejected. White people do not want to make fun of themselves, except Urtubey who is tired of doing it. This offer is remarkable for what it excludes. Cristina Fernández excluded. Is Kirchnerism (for the government and the whole of the Argentine right) unintegrable? All Peronism, with the exception of K Peronism, is white. Black is the usual decried populism and Cristina, even more dissatisfied, who already measures 40% in polls. And whose book sells so abundantly that it involves a plebiscite that arouses the fury of Cambiemos and the journalistic establishment, an aberrant complexity in the cases dealt with in the court of Dolores.


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