Bad news for Argentina? Trump threatens to increase Chinese tariffs by 25%


President Donald Trump increased pressure on China on Sunday, threatening to raise tariffs on Chinese goods worth $ 200 billion, the AP reported.

Trump made his comments via Twitter just before a Chinese delegation resumed negotiations in Washington on Wednesday to resolve a trade war that shook the financial markets and clouded the global economy.

The president warned that Friday would raise taxes from $ 200 billion to $ 25 billion on imports of Chinese products. On two occasions, he has extended the deadline to increase rates (in January and March) to save time negotiating an agreement.

But on Sunday, Trump realized that he was losing patience.

"The trade deal with China is continuing, but very slowly, while they're trying to renegotiate, no!", Tweeted the president.

Both countries are grappling with a dispute over important issues surrounding China's attempts to position itself as a super-technological power. Washington accuses Beijing of using predatory tactics (notably computer theft and forcing foreign companies to put their technologies back) in order to put Chinese companies at the forefront of advanced industries such as robotics and electric vehicles.

Last July, the Trump government gradually began imposing tariffs on imports of Chinese products in order to pressure Beijing to change its policies. We are now charging 10% of Chinese import tariffs valued at $ 200,000 million and 25% of tariffs on goods valued at $ 50,000 million.

The government has repeatedly insinuated that negotiators are making progress. A month ago, Trump said the two countries "concluded the change of direction" and predicted that "something monumental" would be achieved in the coming weeks.

But last week, the Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, seemed to calm expectations, hinting that Washington was ready to "go ahead alone", though it was failing to get the # 1 39, desired agreement.

This trade war is affecting the global market, mainly emerging economies such as Argentina. We will have to see its impact in the week that begins.


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